Temper Tantrums

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(8:30 am, Rose's house)

Rose's POV

I woke up the next morning half expecting for my dad to kiss me on the forehead saying, "Hi beautiful" or "Good Morning Sweetheart". Sadly when I opened my eyes, all I saw was a white roof. That sucks.

I sighed and scrunched up my face in disappointment as I got up. It was summer so I didn't really have anything to do. I took a shower, and came back in the room feeling odd. Something wasn't right. I could feel it. I examined the room until I layed my eyes upon my sweater and shirt from yesterday. They sat on my stool at the little makeup table. I looked at the rips and remembered what happened. I closed my eyes and relived the moment.

When I thought when the person said I forgot something, I saw that that might be what's making me uncomfortable. I thought of everything I had yesterday.

Sweater- Check.

Shirt- Check.

Pants- Check.

Shoes- Check.

Phone- Check.

Necklace- Che-

I felt my neck and didn't feel the necklace. I started to panic and frantically run around the room, throwing things all about and sweating really hard. After triple checking everywhere in the house, I started to scream and throw a temper tantrum.

(11:30 am, Rose's house)

I started to lose it. I threw pillows and slammed doors. I pushed over couches and tables and pulled out drawers. I punched and kicked walls and ripped papers. As soon as I picked up a plate and was about to smash it on the floor, my mother stomped in and widened her eyes. I had destroyed the hallways, living room, kitchen, and the dining room.


I started to quiver a little but I kelt my angry face on. I stared at her with my red bloodshot eyes and my cold, pale skin. The dried up tears on my face were being covered up with new ones as they poured. Her face softened when she walked up to me and pulled me in a hug and I started to tell her what happened.

(12:10 pm, Rose's house)

My mother rocked me and quietly tried to hush as I bawled in her arms. I had told her the whole story and even she cried a little. When I had no more tears to cry I started to silently sniff. My mom looked at me and started to talk.

"If you want the necklace back, your going to have to go back and search for it. And you might have to find that person if you want it back."

"I-I know..." I stuttered. "I j-j-just d-don't wa-w-wanna run into troub-buh-trouble......"

"Everything's going to be ok Rose." she told me.

I nodded as I got up and cleaned up my mess. It took an hour, but I didn't care. I wanted to get to searching as early as I can for maximum time. Plus, it was early, so I wouldn't be caught in the dark.

I put on my shoes and my cape and turned back to my mother and waved.

"You're gonna find it Rose!" she called. "You're gonna find it...."

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