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(1:30 pm, Unknown Street)

Chresanto's POV

"Soooo...... What are you doing?" I asked Rose as we walked down the street a couple blocks away from the woods.

"Chresanto, I thought it was obvious that I am walking down the street with you!" She giggled.

Wow. I love it when she giggles.

"Chresanto!" She laughed. "Did you hear me silly?"

I snapped out of my staring.

"What?" I said.

She giggled. "Chresanto, I said it was obvious that I am walking down the street with you!"

Oh. So thats why her lips were moving.

"Man. I feel stupid that I didnt realize that before. Your so smart." I said kissing her on the cheek.

Yet, that's what I really thought about her. Well she is smarter than me of course. Wait....what did I just?

"Chresantooo....... Why did you just do that?" She asked.


"Do what?" I asked her back.

"You just kissed me." She said in a bland tone.

I hugged her from the behind and put my head on her shoulder. I really don't know what the fuck I'm doing at the moment.

"And now your doing this! Chres, what are you doing?"

"Come on Rose! Really? This is second grade stuff! And I'm just hugging you!" I laughed. "Do you have a problem with it?"

Considering that I am a second grader mentally. Maybe 3rd.

"No Chresanto. Let's just keep walking."

We kept walking until Rose started to run away from me. Now since I didn't know my way around here or any street, I decided run after her.

I ran after her, feeling all the cool breeze surround me. I never usually pay attention to it but it felt good. Maybe its just because I usually run at a animal like unhuman speed. Man that makes me feel so bad about myself. Calling myself unhuman. That wasn't right, but yet it I was a monster and sadly there was nothing I can do. I was unhuman. Yet, everybody doesn't understand. I'm really trying to be normal I really am. It just isn't as easy as you think though.

After a little more running, Rose finally stopped on top of a hill and turned around to face me. But the thing was that I didn't know that she stopped. I just kept running until suddenly, I ran into her and we went rolling down the hill, flopping all over each other. When we no got to the bottom, I fell on top of her. I looked into her eyes and started to stare.

"Chresanto, stop it..." She said blushing.


"Oh my god!! Chresanto, look at that!!

I turned around and just saw a wierd looking house on top of the hill I never saw before. Hmm... Wierd.

"So? Its just a.... Wierd looking house?" I responded confused trying to sound as casually as possible.

She started laughing as I looked down in embarassment. I feel so dumb and stupid right now.

"No silly! Don't you know what that is?" She asked.

"Ummm..... No."

"Its a wishing well!" She exclaimed, grabbing my hand and attempting to pick me up. "Come on! I'll show you how to use it."

I got up and started walking after her. A wishing well. That's what they call it? Is she sure it isn't a trash can? I mean, it doesn't look well. It actually looks really old, broken down, and beat up. And what does she mean by wishing? Again, is she SURE it isn't a trash can?

We walked to it and stood on either side of it. It actually didnt look so broken and beat up once you take a better look at it. I looked down and saw a dark hole.

"Hey what's down there?" I said curiously bending over inside of it, trying to reach down expecting to grab something.

"Chresanto!" She yelled she slapped my hand.

"What?" I whined.

"Do you want to fall 25 feet into the Earth?" She asked.

Man that sounds so cool. But I had to do the high school choice. Yet, its not like I can't jump back up easy. All it takes is one push off the ground.

"No..." I said lowly.

"Good. Now here." She said as she handed me a penny.

I looked at it with a confused look on my face. What's it suppose to do?

"Huh?" I said as I observed it.

She started to laugh. Again.

"Wishing wells are known to make people's wishes come true. All you have to do is throw a coin in and make a wish." She giggled.

I stared at her.

"So we're giving these random wishing well gods just a penny?" I questioned in a annoyed voice. "We don't gotta be so cheap you know. Don't you have any quarters on you? I bet you they'll do our wishes faster if we give them a quarter. What if we gave them a tip? I know that they will give us something extra or make our wishes even better if we give them some extra money."

I looked at Rose and saw her laughing her ass off. I looked down feeling stupider than ever as she stopped. She looked at me giggling and finally stopped.

"Chresanto! I am so sorry. Its just that I think you had a misunderstanding. Its just a myth. It may come true and it may not. Nobody knows." She said with her face red as fuck.

I still looked down until she gave me a hug and a kiss on cheek. I looked at her with a blank look on my face. She smiled and gave me a full kiss on the lips. I smiled and looked back at the wishing well and back at her.

"What you wish for?" I asked her.

She looked down, threw her penny in, and looked at the sky.

"I want to make up with my grandmother."

Yep. They still aren't over that. And it happened over a year ago! Well, at least I think it did. I decided to throw mine in.

"What did you wish for, Chres?" She said.

"Nothing." I said in a bland voice.

"What? Why?" She asked.

" 'Cause I already have what I need." I responded, giving her a kiss. "And that's you."

"Aww.... thank you Chresanto!" She said as we started walking down the hill.

"And I mean it." I said back.

And with that, we left.

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