On My Own, With Him **Finale**

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(12:30 pm, Logan Townhouses)

Rose's POV

God the past 2 months have been stressful.

I slammed the car door shut and picked my purse up off the ground. I fumbled with the keys to open my apartment door and pushed it open. I threw my purse on the couch and walked back to the car to get all the groceries.

"I've got to get this place together..." I mumbled to myself.

I kicked the house door shut with my foot and packed the food in the kitchen. I then grabbed some bags and replaced the curtains and started dusting the furniture.

I threw the feather duster in the closet and sat on the couch huffing and puffing. I looked around. At least the apartment was clean. It was already clean, but I did a little bit of extra tidying and restocking.

Even though Nicole was only coming over for a few hours, I thought I should still make her feel as comfortable as possible. I looked at the textbook and my laptop on the coffee table. Good thing that's already over with.

I popped a microwave dinner in the microwave and put the tv on. I grabbed it and sat down to watch tv, eventually falling asleep later that night.

*Ding Dong*

I groaned and looked at the time. 12:38. Dang, I overslept.

*Ding Dong*

*Ding Dong*

*Ding Dong*

I grabbed my robe and walked to the front door, looking through the peephole.

"Oh shit!" I whispered.

I ran back to the room and grabbed my sundress out of the closet.

"Rose! Rose, are you there!"


I quickly changed and grabbed some flats, hopping into them, trying to make it to the front door. I swung it open and wiped my eyes.

"Rose!" Nicole squealed.

She opened her arms for a hug and I walked into them.

"How are you? " She asked as we pulled apart.

"Good, good." I said as I smiled at her.

"You look tired. Are you OK?"

"Yeah! You're right, I'm just a little tired."

"OK... So are you going to invite me in or not?

"Oh yeah! Come in!"

I opened the door again and let her in. I put on some tea and gave her a tour of the place, which didn't last long because the apartment wasn't that big. There was just a kitchen/dining room, living room, sunroom, bathroom, and a bedroom. Dorms cost way more than apartments so I decided to come here.

"Well," She said. "At least you're out of your mom's house."

We laughed and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a tray and put the teapot and 2 cups on it. We walked outside and I set the tray on a table on the porch, sat down, and talked about the stuff that's been going on. I told her about how I ended up in the hospital, which I still really don't know about myself, and my work at school. It turned out she had a job at a electronic shop, something I didn't expect. Turns out she's studying in college with a major in communications technologies. She has her own apartment too and has a boyfriend, of course, named Shawn. She showed me pictures of her new place. I got a little jealous of how simple an wonderful things were going for her. She didn't have to worry about hospitals, deaths, and loved ones.

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