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(12:00 pm, Rose's Grandmother's house)

I was walking around the house looking at everything. I've done this many times before, but something today told me to look again, so I did.

I stopped at one particular picture in my grandmother's in my grandmother's room. It was a picture of a grown man with brown hair. When I looked at the picture, it always reminded me of Rose for some wierd reason.

I started to walk out until I ran back in the room, snatched up the picture and stared at it. The man looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Suddenly, my eyes widened as my hands started shaking. I dropped the frame onto the carpet, put hands on my head, and started walking around in a circle. This can't be happening.

It could just be a coincedence. I calmed myself down as I sat on couch.

"It just can't be....." I whispered.

I looked up at the clock. It was 1:30. Time to go see Grandmother. I sighed and sniffed. I didn't mean to rip out one of her shoulders tendons. I was just really angry. Honestly. No matter how retarded and stupid that sounds. I'm really sorry.

I grabbed my sweater and walked out the house, sad as ever. At least Rose forgave Grandmother. But now she'll never forgive me. She hasn't came to the house or even crossed the woods for the past week. I don't think she will ever want to see me again. But she never said we weren't still together.

I touch the side of my face and quickly took it off. It stung like hell. Last week when she got a look at her Grandmother, she smacked the shit out of me and punched on my chest. Not that her small punches did much anyway. I'll probably never see her again. At least I've got pictures of her, but it won't be the same.

I headed out the door and rushed through the woods. I had the address to the hospital, but I didn't know where to go. There's only one person to ask.

5 minutes later...

She opened the door and stared at me. She attempted to slam the door, but I put my foot in between it. Then, she basically squeezed the life out of my foot.


"For being a bitch! You almost killed my grandmother last week! Am I suppose to be nice to you?" She screamed.

At least she was talking to me again.

"Well I'm sorry! I just wanted to know where the hospital was!"

Her face softened as she looked down. She picked up her purse from a rack and dragged me to a car. We both got in as she started it up. Then we started to drive.

"Thanks R-"

"Save it."

I sighed as we pulled up to a large building. I gazed at everything. There were red and white trucks parked all around and people being rolled inside on weird looking beds with wheels.

I walked inside with Rose next to me. It isn't as fancy inside as it is outside. There were just a lot of desks and chairs and 2 TVs on both side of the room.

Rose and I sat down in sone chairs. I've never seen so many people waiting to see other people that are hurt. I actually made me feel a little bit guilty.

I woke up 3 hours later from Rose shaking me. I growled, trying to back to sleep. She backed away for a second, then smacked me the face. I yanked myself up and turned to her with a mad face.

"What the fuck Rose!? What makes you think you can-"

She smacked me again.

"Rose.... Don't play with-"

She smacked me again. I could my jaw and fists clench and my eyes changing colors.

"It's time to see my grandmother fool." She said.

I loosened up a bit of the thought of Grandmother. I walked down the hall with Rose to the visiting room for her. Half an hour later, the doctor walked in.

"Is this the family of Bridget Delihiah?"

"Yes." Rose responded.

"Well we have her results and a major shoulder muscle has beem ripped from her system and piece you gave us fits quite well. But we are going to have to perform an open sugery for shoulder repair. She should be just fine after that. We just needed to inform you two."

I bit my lip and sighed. I never meant for this to happen.

"Ok..." Rose said sadly.

"It will be ok. You guys may come and see her."

We followed the doctor into the room. There I saw her.

"You guys have 5 minutes." The doctor said as he closed the door.

There were tubes connected to her and a giant machine with a green line running through it. A computer maybe?

Then there was a giant white....Thing around her arm. I stood there for a few minutes with Rose next to me shaking. She slowly turned her head and smiled at us.

"Come children come." She whispered.

I threw myself on top of her and cried my eyes out. Rose sat in the chair next to her and started crying too.

"Its ok kids, its ok-"

"No Grandmother! No it's not! You're sitting in the hospital dying and it's all my fault!"

"No Chresanto. Its not your fault." She said as she played with my hair. "I was being harsh to you."

"No! I was being stubborn and stupid to let my anger take over! You probably hate me!"

"Ssh, Sssh, Shush." She said. "I love you and Rose so much Chresanto and nothing's going to change that. Alright? No matter what you do."

I nodded my head into her stomach as Rose let out a small laugh.

"Are you gonna die?" I asked.

"Oh heaven's no child! What makes you think that?"

"Well don't people who are dying come here?"

"Yes, but the doctors make them better."

"Chresanto." Rose sniffed. "How come you don't know that?"

I looked down and back up and saw the doctor. He just saved me right there. He nodded his head and me Rose stood up. Rose and I hugged Grandmother and made our way out.

"Make sure you two come back to pick her up next week." The doctor said.

We walked into the car and Rose drove back to her house. She stopped at the house and took the keys out. Then suddenly, she clutched onto her necklace and tears started to come in her eyes. I hugged her as she opened the necklace. There was something in there.

"Oh Father. I don't know what to do." She said staring inside.

I looked inside and my nightmare became real. I gave her a scared look as she stared at me.

"Wuh-What happened Chresanto?" She said.

I pointed to the man in the small picture. The exact same man I saw in Grandmother's picture. The exact same man I saw 8 years ago.

"Who is that?" I said with my hand shaking.

"That's my father. He just never came back home one night. I still wonder if he's alive."

She sighed and looked up at me.

"You never answered my question last week. Chresanto, what are you? Are you human or was that a costume or...."

That was enough. I jumped out the car and started running in the woods like I was running for my life. I couldn't stand people who just judge me like that.

I ran all the way to the house. I ran inside slammed the door and slid down in it. Just sitting there crying. I fucked up. Why? Because I just do. I always fuck up. I always do.....

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