Same Routine

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(8:45 am, Unknown Location)

Unknown POV

I made my way out the house and into my car. I had no time for this. I slammed the down and brushed myself off.

"Are you coming or not!?" I yelled.

A few minutes later, he came out the house looking tired as ever.

"Your mom's a bitch. You know that, right?" I said.

"Sure. You're the one that came to my house you know."

"I don't care. Let's go to this stupid meet up and get this shit over with."

"You don't have to go."

I stared at him with a crazy look.

"Who said I don't have a reason?"

We stayed silent for a few minutes before he spoke.

"I know you stole it."

"Stole what?"

"Dude. Just give it back to me. I really need them."

"I seriously have no idea where they are. Maybe its because you talk about them way to much. Someone probably heard you, broke into your house, and stole them."

"And why would they do that? Why would they steal something that's useless to them?"

"You're so right. So if they're useless to everybody else, why would I steal them?"

His face softened, but still, he had a look of anger in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I just really don't want to mess things up. Those were the keys items to my plan."

He stared at the ground and got out the car.

"Man, where are you going?"

"I'm just gonna take my own car."

I shrugged my shoulders. I can do that. I had to go buy some breakfast anyway.


He slammed the door, stormed away, and sped down the street in his car. I really don't see why he got mad over some simple things. But this was just the beginning of my plan.

First, I'm gonna pay somebody a visit.

(8:50 am, Rose's House)

Rose's POV

I grabbed my sweater and ran outside. I had to run today. Othereise, I would be late for the orientation.

This was 12th grade orientation. Since this is our last year of high school and supposedly the most important year of all our school years.

To me, this years just like any other year. Not attending all the exciting events that are suppose to happen. Proms, dances, parties. Things of that type.

Me? I'm just ready to get out of here. Out of school. After this, there's just university and college. These are things I could be excited for. Call me a geek or nerd, but I don't care. To me, these are the most important school years of all. The school years that come AFTER the 17 years I've lived through.

I was running down the street until I pulled out my watch and skid to a stop. 9:01. I had until 9:30. And the school's far. I'll never make it.

I sighed and started slugging down the street. The doctor told me to just get some rest for my stress. I really took him too seriously.

Suddenly, I realized a way I could get there faster. I pulled out my phone, looked at a paper, and dialed a phone number. I put the phone up to my ear.

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