Welcome to NYC

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(10:30 am, Redlock Woods)

Rose's POV

When I said that word, I looked up at Chresanto and smiled. We started to walk until we got into the middle of the forest. Time to start the plan.

"Chresanto." I said.

"Yes Rose?" He responded sweetly.

"I'm about to give you the best birthday present ever!"


"Yeah, but you have to follow and do whatever I say ok?"

"Ok!" He cheered.


I went behind him and blindfolded him. He seemed caught off guard and frowned.

"Rose what are you doing?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"Chresanto its ok. Until I take the headphones and blindfold off your head, don't go anywhere unless I say so ok? I can't have you see your surprise beforehand."

"Ummm..... Ok!"

So that's when it started. I put the headphones over his head and put on some soft music. I started to lead him out the forest. Once we started to walk past my house, he started to sniff the air and one of his eyebrows raised. It was like he knew we weren't in the forest no more. I stopped him, took out my phone, and called a taxi. It came 5 minutes later. I placed Chresanto in there and we started to drive. I took out my camera and took pictures of us and him. He started to feel around, as if were trying to recognize the feeling of the car. I giggled. It was so cute.

(12:30 pm, New York City)

Finally, the taxi arrived at our destination. I took a deep breath of the fresh air mixed with all different types of scents. I opened my eyes and took in the view. The tall buildings, stands, and people everywhere. It was beautiful. It was amazing.

I helped Chresanto out the taxi and ran down the street with him. He kept yelling my name, but I ignored him. Once I got a bit away from there. I took off Chresanto's headphones.

"Damn! It's really loud!!"

"Ok Chresanto! When I count to 3 I want you to take off your blindfold ok!!?"







He took off the blindfold and stred and all the buildings. He slowly started to turn around and take in the view. His face turned into a face mixed with wonder, amazement, suprise, shock, and well basically he was caught off guard. Again. His hands slowly started to shake as he kept looking around.

"This is it isn't it?" He said as his voice shook.

"Mmmmhmm... Isn't it pretty?"

"Yes..." He said as he looked down.

He buried his head into my shoulder and I felt the light tears run down my neck.

"I can't believe I made it here...." He whispered.

"Well Chresanto as much as I love taking in the view from here, we have a lot to do today. So I'm gonna need you to stop crying and come with me ok?" I said as I rubbed his back.

He sniffed, wiped his eyes, and gave me a big smile. He grabbed my hand and started to drag me down the street.

"Come on Rose! Hurry up!! We have a lot to do!"

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