Her Nickname.

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Without the shops being open, Sweeney Todd was growing a bit bored. But he supposed it was also a good thing that he couldn't open because he was sure he had a cold. He had been coughing all day with a runny nose and a bit of a headache, he assumed it was because of the snowy weather. The day went by very slowly and by the end of it, Johanna decided to go up to her father's shop.

As soon as Johanna entered the room, Sweeney sat up in his chair and cleared his throat, he didn't want anyone knowing he was sick, he wasn't the type of person that needed anyone taking care of him.
"Hello love" he greeted her as she shut the door behind her. "Is everything alright dad? You haven't come downstairs all day." Sweeney Todd nodded in response, "oh yes, I'm fine. Just a bit tired that's all." He lied, but he knew it was the smarter thing to do. If Johanna and mrs.Lovett found out he wasn't feeling well, they'd worry themselves to death.

Johanna's next words caught him a bit off guard "I don't like Charles." She didn't say it just because she wanted her father and mrs.Lovett to get together, she just truly didn't like him, the engagement bothered Anthony and Toby as well. "Neither do I dear, but there's nothing we can do about it."
"You could talk to her about it, she listens to you." Sweeney Todd shook his head "I don't want to argue with her, she listens to the three of you more than she listens to me anyway. And the engagement is between mrs.Lovett and Charles, we shouldn't get into it." Johanna furrowed her brows "please dad, I think..." she was cut off.

"Johanna I'm sorry, but we are just going to 'ave to let it go." Honestly, Sweeney didn't want to let it go either. But he knew it was the better thing to do, especially for mrs.Lovett's sake. Johanna put her head down and slowly nodded "right, sorry. I'll just be downstairs." She gave him a hug before quickly leaving the shop to sit with Anthony and Toby in the parlor.

"My father won't try to talk her out of it" she said to them in a quiet tone. "Well we aren't giving up. We 'ave to get them together, I can't see a nice woman like mrs.Lovett marry a man like Charles." Anthony whispered to them. Toby and Johanna nodded in agreement.

The next night when Charles arrived, Sweeney Todd was up in his shop. Now he was certain he was sick and he'd been too busy coughing and sneezing all day that he had completely forgotten Charles was coming over. Mrs.Lovett already had dinner prepared and was making finishing touches while the children sat with Charles at the table.

"So are you children siblings?" Charles asked them and they all gave each other a strange look. "No sir, mrs.Lovett adopted me, Johanna is mr.Todd's daughter and Anthony is simply a good friend to all of us...especially Johanna." Toby joked "oh stop that" Johanna laughed and lightly hit Toby's shoulder. Charles simply gave an odd look at the dysfunction of the residents in the house. "I see, and why does mr.Todd reside here?" The three of them smirked to each other "my father and mrs.Lovett are business partners and good friends."
"Very good friends" Toby added, trying to make Charles uncomfortable. Before anyone could say anything else, mrs.Lovett walked into the room carrying a tray of food. "Could one of you go get mr.Todd for me please?" Anthony stood up "I'll get 'im."

When Anthony opened the shop door, Sweeney Todd once again sat up, pretending to feel fine. "Mrs.Lovett wanted me to tell you that dinner is ready" Sweeney actually was very hungry, considering he hadn't eaten anything all day, he quickly stood up. "Oh, and mr.Todd?"
Anthony hesitated then sighed "Charles is here." Sweeney rolled his eyes "great" he mumbled sarcastically, Anthony took notice but didn't say anything. As they walked downstairs Sweeney noticed snow was still falling around Fleet street, covering everything in a thin white blanket. Which wasn't good for business, the longer it snows, the longer the shops stay closed.

At the dinner table, Sweeney quietly ate while everyone else engaged in conversation. "Sweeney, do you feel alright love?" Nellie asked, it was the first time either one of them said a word to each other all day. He gave her a small smile, looking up from the table "yes I'm fine Nell, thanks."
"Nell is a cute nickname, maybe I should start to call you that huh?" Charles suggested with a smile, Nellie began to reply "oh, uhm..." she was cut off by an annoyed Sweeney Todd. "Actually I'm the only person that can call her that. It was decided when we were nine, isn't that right Nell?"

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