Her wedding dress

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Toby, Johanna and Anthony sat in a booth early this morning, before Todd or Lovett woke up.

"They seemed to be getting along fine yesterday at the festival, so that's good." Johanna said, trying to spread her positivity.

"Yeah, but still no signs of having feelings for one another. And mum gets her wedding dress today! We're running out of time to make them fall in love, the wedding is in less than two months." Toby spoke, growing worried that all of their plans were for nothing.

Anthony threw his arms up in the air in frustration "bloody hell I wish they'd just fall in love already!" He breathed exasperatedly.


"Mum tha' one looks perfect on you!" Johanna exclaimed in the dressing room when she looked at Nellie, who looked absolutely beautiful in one of the potential wedding dresses.
(The one from By the sea.)

"Ya think? I do really like this one." It wasn't too extravagant, but it wasn't simple either. It showed her curves without being too revealing. It went down to the floor, and fit her perfectly.

"You should definitely get tha' one." Johanna told her, her mum looked so gorgeous!

Nellie smiled "alright then, this one it is!"


Sweeney paced around in his shop, Nellie's shop was closed for the day since she was out with Johanna. But his shop was open, business was slow today however, and he was unbelievably bored. He quickly spun around when he heard his shop door open, hoping it was a customer. But it was just Nellie.

"Oh it's you." He sounded rather disappointed.

Nellie smiled "there's that charm I love and adore so much." She said sarcastically, noticing his annoyed mood. "Slow day?" She asked him.

He covered his face with his hands "you have no idea." He mumbled, "I've had three customers the whole day."

"Well, want to see my dress?" Nellie smiled brightly, hoping to cheer him up.

"Not really." He mumbled again through his hands, causing Nellie to frown. When he put his hands down he saw her sudden change in expression. "I mean of course I do!" He exclaimed with fake excitement.

Nellie rolled her eyes "nice try but you're not fooling anyone."

"I'm just in a bad mood."

"Believe me, I know." She smiled lightly at him "I'll be downstairs if you need me." She left so he'd have some time to himself to feel better.

After about an hour of pacing, brooding, and sulking, Sweeney Todd closed his shop for the day. He ventured downstairs to see what everyone else was doing.

Johanna greeted him immediately "dad! Mum's in her room, she's trying her dress on to show Toby and Anthony. You must go 'ave a look!"

Looking at a dress really didn't seem entertaining to him. "I dunno Johanna, I'll see it at the wedding."

"Nonsense! Go on, she wanted your opinion anyway." Johanna continued trying to persuade him.

"Why does she want my opinion?"

Johanna rolled her eyes and pushed him towards Nellie's door "just go!"

Sweeney hesitantly knocked on the door "it's me, Nell." He called through the door.

"One moment love." He heard her reply. A few seconds later her door opened and Sweeney briefly lost his breath. Her dress was perfect. He didn't say anything, just stood there.

Bloody Hell just fall in love already!Where stories live. Discover now