Trust issues.

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Anthony wanted to ask more questions about it, but just then they heard the shop door open. Sweeney Todd went into the shop to see if it was mrs.Lovett, and it was, unfortunately, Charles stood behind her. "Hi mr.T" mrs.Lovett greeted him, he kept his focus on Charles though, he wanted him out of the building.

"Oh, good evening mr.Todd" Charles also greeted, "hi" he mumbled back, not sounding enthused. "Mrs.Lovett I need your's important" Sweeney stated, now standing beside her, keeping an eye on Charles who stood across from them. "Alright, thank you Charles. I'll see you in a few days" she smiled to him as he kissed her hand "bye Eleanor."

Sweeney noticed the way Charles ran his eyes along her body. Todd quickly put his arm around mrs.Lovett's shoulder, very tightly. "Bye now Charles." He spat out as calmly as he could. Mrs.Lovett just smiled at Charles, feeling embarrassed and not really able to move, she held back from slapping Sweeney. She couldn't pull away without struggling and that would look ridiculous so she just stood there. Charles gave an odd look at the sight before exiting the shop.

As soon as the door closed, she pulled away "wot the hell was that?!" She yelled "oh I'm sorry but did you not see the way he looked at you!?" He yelled back sarcastically. "I'm a woman it happens sometimes!"

"It's all of the time with him! He has no respect for you!"

They were both screaming at each other now and Toby, Johanna, and Anthony saw the whole thing from around the corner. A few more things were yelled for a few minutes and the kids could tell how fired up they both were.

"Sweeney you're not my father, you're not my brother, and you're not my husband, it isn't your job to pull this shit!"

"Thank God! I'd never want to be your husband! It would be pure torture, and clearly neither does Charles! Judging by the way he looks at you, he only wants one thing!" It was the last yell, she couldn't beleive what he said. Instead of saying anything, she glared at him with a hint of sadness, and left the shop. Slamming the door behind her, which made everyone jump a bit.

Sweeney stood there, shocked at what just happened and wondering where she was going. Johanna entered the room, followed by Anthony and Toby. "I know the three of you saw all of that" he told them. "Dad, forgive me, but you shouldn't have said that. It implied that Charles couldn't like anything about her except for her looks." Johanna didn't want to make her father mad, but she felt badly for mrs.Lovett. Sweeney sighed and whispered "I know" before going upstairs to his shop.

"Well, I'm going to go find mrs.Lovett" Anthony spoke up before leaving the shop. One time mrs.Lovett took them to a grassy hill with a big tree at the top of it, he figured she went there.

He made his way to and up the hill, and there she was. Strangely, she seemed pretty content. Sitting on the grass with her back up against the tree. Slowly, he went towards the tree, trying to think of what to say. "Mrs.Lovett ma'am" she half turned, she already knew who it was. She gave him a slight smile "'ello Anthony" her voice sounded pretty happy. She wasn't going to take her anger with mr.Todd out on the kids.

Anthony sat down beside her. "So uhm..I saw the argument" mrs.Lovett let out a very small laugh "mr.T and I know you saw the whole thing." Okay, how did they keep doing that?

"Well I just wanted to see that you're okay. And mr.Todd shouldn't have said what he did, but you know he didn't mean it." He tried to reassure her, but she closed her eyes and sighed "I think he did. But even if he didn't, it doesn't matter, yes, i was upset about what he said. But it goes further than that. He takes advantage of me and the cycle continues, he throws a fit..and I come running" Anthony thought back on it and realized that in a way, she was right.

"Pardon me ma'am, but why do you go running? Do you have feelings for 'im?"

"Please say yes please say yes!!"

"No, not at all."

"Come on!"

"I wouldn't have gone on a date with Charles if I did. The reason I try to help him so is..well, before he was sent away, Benjamin was my best friend. We grew up together, we weren't apart for a minute and if we were, we thought about what the other was doing. When he returned, I was hoping I could get some of my best friend back. And when you rescued Johanna, things between mr.T and I got much better..until now that is."

It all made sense to Anthony now, the sadness in each of their eyes at times. The awkward silence that filled the air between the two of them if anyone brought up the past. The two of them have changed, they've been hurt..broken. Torn apart from each other for so long that now, they can't find the way back into the comfort of having a best friend.

"I understand, I'm sorry about all of that. It's getting dark though, we should head back now." She nodded and they made their way back to Fleet street.

Johanna sat with Toby in the parlor "it's gonna be harder to get mr.Todd and mum together after this, don't ya think?" Toby asked her and she sadly nodded "yes, but we aren't giving up, if we could just..." she was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Mrs.Lovett walked in, but went straight to her bedroom. Anthony went into the parlor to sit with Toby and Johanna.

"Well, tha' woman has a good heart I'll tell ya tha' right now" Anthony sighed as he sat down. "Maybe mr.Todd should talk to her" Toby whispered, Johanna stood up. "I'll go talk to him."

She reluctantly went up to her father's shop, not knowing what kind of mood he would be in. Slowly, she turned the knob to open the door and she heard the bell at the top of the door ring. Sweeney sat in his barber chair, as usual. "Dad?" He put his head up and met his eyes with hers, knowing she was about to say something regarding the argument and mrs.Lovett.

"Yes Johanna?" She fully entered the room, closing the door behind her. "I think you should talk to her" he took a deep breath. "I will, just not right now. Johanna knew about Benjamin Barker, she knew about her mother, she knew Sweeney was her dad and her mother was dead. And she knew that her father and mrs.Lovett knew each other before, but she wanted to know more about it.

"So you two were friends before?" He nodded "she was my best friend, my only friend. She was the only person that ever understood me....she is the only person." He was mainly talking to himself with the last thing that he said. "Do you have any feelings for her?"

"Anthony asked me the same thing, no. She is brilliant and wonderful beleive me, but I just don't have any feelings for her." Johanna sighed, she really hoped he would say yes.

"So wot were you two like as children?" Sweeney laughed a little bit from thinking about what they were like. "We were adventurous, she lived on a farm and i lived right across from her, we would always run through the woods and climb trees. We were poor so we never really worried about getting our clothes messy, and we lived pretty far from town so no one could judge us. We were always imagining and pretending, I always had the most fun with her. Crazy little dare devil she was" this made Johanna smile at the thought of the two of them playing and running around. Sweeney began to talk again.

"I remember I was always the one that got afraid to do something, but she would talk me into it. She wasn't afraid of anything. One time she wanted me to jump off of a tree branch into the deep end of the creek, I was too afraid. So she held my hand and made me close my eyes and she jumped with me."

It was actually a bit sad, they were so close and then they had to start over as if they were complete strangers. As if none of it ever happened. "I'm sorry dad" this confused him "sorry for wot?"

"I'm sorry Turpin had you sent away, it must've been awful" he didn't want her feeling upset or guilty or anything. "Don't be, it made me stronger and smarter I'm just sorry you had to spend fifteen years with him." Johanna hugged him "I love you dad" finally, after all of this time, Sweeney Todd knew what it felt like to have a daughter. "I love you too Johanna."

Authors note: hey guys! I tried to update yesterday but was way too busy sorry! Hope you enjoyed this, i tried to give a bit of background on Todd and Lovett. Ps. You might want to remember some of that, because it'll be important later ;) i added a little father/daughter part which I hope you liked. And what do you think of Charles? Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment and have a nice day!

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