New addition to the menu.

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After a few days went by, Sweeney Todd began to get anxious again. Nellie still hadn't quite acted the same since her cousin's death and Todd knew if the Beadle wasn't killed soon, she would begin to lose it. Much like Sweeney Todd did before he killed the Judge.

Nellie cleaned the shop with Toby's help after they closed one evening. Her mind wasn't fully on the task at hand though, she couldn't stop thinking about the Beadle and avenging her dear cousin Nicholas. "So this is wot Sweeney felt like before he avenged Lucy?" She thought aloud.

"Wot was tha' mum?" Toby asked her as he looked up from cleaning one of the tables.

"Oh nothing dear, just talking to myself again. Yeh know 'ow I tend teh go off into my own little world every now an then." She gave him a smile.

But she couldn't stop thinking about her cousin. Eventually, she gave up on trying to organize the counter, for she realized she was getting no where with her mind runing off every two seconds.

"Toby dear, mind if I just pop in on mr.Todd for a tick? Take a little break from cleaning love and go see wot Anthony an Johanna are up to."

Toby nodded "yes mum."

Nellie quickly walked out of her shop and upstairs to mr.Todd's. After entering, she quickly closed the door behind her. "I can't take it. I wish tha' stupid old good-for-nothing ass hole would just show the hell up already!" Sweeney didn't have to ask who she meant, he knew. He noticed how her hands shook a bit, and she wore a sad, confused expression. She didn't look at him, she looked down.

"Maybe you should sit down, you look tired." He got up from his chair, but when she didn't move away from the door, he sighed and walked over to her, slightly pushing her to the chair. "If you make one wrong move and step on tha' petal I swear to God..."

"Calm down." He interrupted, "I'm no where near the lever. Have you been getting much sleep?" He questioned, noticing how the skin under her eyes was very dark.

Nellie shrugged "I've been getting enough." Sweeney lightly shook his head and walked over to the window. "Don't worry, pretty soon he'll just be a new addition to our menu." His eyes widened as he smiled and turned to her.

"Well love, it seems your wishes 'ave finally come true. Guess who is outside." Nellie looked up at him and quickly hopped up and ran to the window. Just outside stood Beadle Bamford. She smiled brightly "not my wishes, ours!"

"Persuade him to come up here" he whispered to her, not taking his eyes off of the bloody man.

"Wot? Me? How?" He walked her over to the shop door "you're pretty. Get down there and do something" he said before very lightly pushing her out of the shop. She turned around and crossed her arms.

"Wot do yeh mean by 'do somethi.." she was cut off by him shutting the door. Nellie glared at him through the glass, he waved her away with his hand. After rolling her eyes, she went down the stairs and walked over to the Beadle. Sweeney watched from his shop window.

"Ello mr.Bamford" Nellie greeted him with a fake smile.

"Oh, ello ma'am" he grinned, "uhg, he is so perverted" Nellie thought to herself before beginning her little lie.

"Mr.Todd has a special appointment for you sir, since he wasn't able to see you sooner. And it's free." She smiled and batted her eyes. Sweeney laughed a bit from the window at the sight of her fake flirting with Bamford. He had to admit she was quite good at it.

Bamford smiled to her and looked her up and down "why thank you good madam." He began to walk to the stairs leading up to the shop. Sweeney gave Nellie a quick wink before turning away from the window to greet his new 'customer'.

Nellie smirked "tha' bastard deserves wot's comin' to 'im" she returned to her shop and finished cleaning it. Now she understood how relaxed and refreshed Sweeney felt once the Judge was dead.

Later that evening mrs.Lovett sat in the livingroom with the kids. "Are the three of you excited for Christmas? It's getting closer ya know." Mrs.Lovett smiled to them.

"Yes mum! I've never spent Christmas with a family, I always spent it in the work house. But then again, are we a family?" Toby asked her.

"Of course we are dear...well, sort of." Nellie told him nicely as she took a sip of tea.

"So you and my father are our parents then?" Johanna asked, making mrs.Lovett choke on her tea a bit. But she quickly cleared her throat.

"Well, no not exactly. I mean, I've always thought of you as a daughter, and you're perfectly welcome to think of me as a mother if you'd like and Toby is practically my son. And I'm sure mr.Todd thinks of Toby as a son. And Anthony is sort of like a son-in-law to mr.T and I, but you two aren't least not yet. So in that perspective, we are like your parents. But mr.Todd an I aren't together in any sort of way." Nellie explained, rather quickly. The three of them just stared at her for a few moments. "Right, well if you'll excuse me I 'ave to run down to the bakehouse to uh...bake." Nellie flashed a quick smile before running downstairs.

Anthony looked over to Toby, "I don't think she's been feeling well." Toby whispered to them, they noticed how she acted a bit strange.

Nellie opened the bakehouse door. She immediately smelled blood and the smell of death. Also, she could smell burning coal from the oven, which also illuminated the room slightly. The Beadle's lifeless body was laying right under the trap door. He had a few different slits and stabs in his throat, unlike the rest of the victims. Besides Turpin that is. She smiled, thankful that the bastard was no longer in this world and could no longer do harmNellie knew she wouldn't have enough time to make a lot of pies right now, plus she was too tired. Tomorrow was Sunday anyway so she decided she would just do it tomorrow. After casting the body one last evil glance, she left the gloomy bakehouse.

Nellie began to walk to her bedroom but stopped walking "maybe I should go talk to Sweeney?" She thought to herself. For a few minutes, she considered the thought before finally deciding to just go up to his shop. When she reached the top of the stairs, Nellie saw how his room was mostly dark. She peered in to see if he was asleep, but he was awake.

Sweeney heard his shop door open slowly and he looked up from the razor he was sharpening. He saw Nellie's tiny figure enter the room. "You alright Nell?"

She smiled and nodded "yeah, better than alright. I'm glad the Beadle is finally dead." Only one candle was burning "why is it so dark in 'ere? I didn't keep you from sleeping did I?"

Sweeney shook his head "no of course not, I'm not tired. I just like having it a bit dark in 'ere that's all."

"Oh I see. So why did you murder him so brutally? It looked similar to when you killed the Judge, it wasn't just a clean slit" She questioned.

"Well I was killing him for the both of us, so I figured he deserved a bit more pain than the others." He smiled, now they were both dead. His revenge was finally complete.

"Thank you, for killing him for both of us." Nellie felt a bit honored.

"Don't thank me, after all it was your flirting that brought him up 'ere anyway." He joked and they both laughed a bit.

"I'll get you back for making me do that" she hit his arm playfully. "I bettah get teh sleep."

"Yeah me too" without thinking, he gave her a hug. They both closed their eyes, everything felt so much better now that the Judge and Beadle were dead. Nellie and Sweeney finally felt at ease. Getting pulled from his thoughts, Sweeney opened his eyes and broke the hug.

Nellie gave him a smile and kissed his cheek "night love" she whispered before leaving the shop and going to her bedroom for a much needed sleep.

Authors note: Heyy guys! Sorry this chapter is so short! I just wanted to post a quick short one for the Beadle's death. The next one will be longer I promise. I really hope you enjoyed reading this one! Please vote and comment. I'd like to thank everyone who voted and commented on this story so far! As always, I love you, thanks for reading! And have a great night/day :)

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