The secret location

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Hey guys! Remember about two chapters ago I added quotes from previous chapters? I'm gonna do that again for this one because old things have relevance to upcoming chapters (idk if you've noticed that with my story) but I hope you have haha. Okay so here it goes chapter 30! Enjoy!

"When my parents died, no one ever came back. And no body wanted to live out 'ere so it remained completely abandoned."

"You could always get someone to fix it up and repair things. Just in case you ever need to get away from Fleet Street for a few days."

"I wouldn't want anything to change, if I hired someone to do it, they'd practically tear it down and build a whole new house." -chapter 19 Picture of the Past

Nellie's head was pounding as she slowly opened her eyes. She squinted at the light coming through the windows. Why'd she feel so awful? Why couldn't she remember anything from last night? And most importantly, why was she on top of Sweeney?! She nudged him and he opened his eyes and groaned, quickly remembering that they both got drunk last night. His massive headache was his cute little reminder.

"Wot 'appened last night?" She asked in a whisper, not wanting her head to hurt even more than it already did.

"We got shit faced." He mumbled, regretting drinking as much as he did the previous night.

Nellie's eyes widened "did we..."

"No." He interrupted, he already knew what she was going to ask him. "Currently we're both fully clothed so I don't think that's a possibility. Plus I wasn't quite as drunk as you and I remember a little bit of what happened and I really don't think we did." Nellie sighed in relief at his words, but he continued. "But within the next few months if you're stomach starts to grow then we'll know for sure." He joked, but Nellie wasn't laughing.

"That's not funny."

"I'm just kidding, I know for a fact we didn't. By the way, you're hilarious when you're drunk. I don't remember everything that happened after I got drunk but before I got drunk you were being really funny."

Nellie was honestly very nervous to know what he meant. "Oh God wot was I doing?" She asked rather reluctantly.

"Well, you asked if the two of us were married to each other, you got extremely excited about your bakery, you forgot who Charles was for a few seconds, and you repeatedly told me that I'm your best friend. It was quite funny, except for when you sat on my lap. That wasn't funny."

Her eyes widened "when I wot?! I'm so sorry! I can't believe I did that!" She yelled in a whisper. Todd shrugged it off, letting her know it wasn't a big deal. He then quickly got up and pulled the curtains closed tightly so the light wasn't shining into the room anymore before he layed back down.

"My head is killing me," he grumbled.

Nellie nodded in agreement "mine too," Johanna entered the bedroom and saw the two miserable adults laying there on the bed.

"Anthony and I saw the empty gin bottle and the two glasses on the counter. Would you like me to get you a glass of water or something?" She asked quietly, fully aware of their hang over.

The two adults nodded "thanks love," Johanna smiled and went to the kitchen to fetch two cups of water for her parents. As quickly as she could, without spilling the water, she made her way back to Nellie's bedroom and handed each of them their cup. They thanked her again before she left the room, assuming they'd want to go back to sleep. Nellie layed down again, resting her head on his shoulder. "I feel like sleeping all day," she mumbled.

"Yeah, me too." He said and tried to get up but Nellie grabbed his arm.

"Wait, where are you going?"

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