Birthday in the barn.

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A few days went by, Nellie and Sweeney would talk for a bit everyday when they found the time. Nellie went on another date with Charles so Sweeney promised not to say anything when Charles was there.

  November 16th

Nellie was cleaning the barber shop floor. Scrubbing off all of the dried blood stains, she was doing it very early so when he opened his shop and the customers came, they wouldn't see evidence of his latest victims. Slitting throats turned out to be quite the mess sometimes, Sweeney Todd walked in and was a bit shocked to see her.

"Wot are you doing?" He asked sounding surprised. "Wot does it look like I'm doing? I'm scrubbing the floor, same thing I do every day." She continued with her task, "why?" Now she looked up at him "would you rather it stay there? It doesn't exactly scream 'welcome' to the customers now does it?" She asked sarcastically before turning her attention back to the blood stained floor.

"No. But why are you cleaning on your birthday?" His question made her freeze and stop cleaning, after a few seconds she tilted her head up slowly to look at him. "It is my birthday isn't it?" Sweeney nodded "now we're both thirty three" Sweeney was four months older than Nellie. "How did you remember that?" She asked him with a confused expression. "How could I not? I met you when I was four and I got sent away when we were eighteen. I spent your birthday with you everyday for fourteen years." She thought about what he said before he continued "four months ago on August 14th you baked me a cake for my birthday so why do you clean my floors on yours?"

Nellie gave him a smile "well it isn't a problem, I'll just finish up 'ere and then..." Sweeney cut her off "no, I'll clean the floor later. I'm not opening the shop today anyway so wot do yeh want to do?" Nellie crossed her arms "wot do you mean?" She questioned him. "I mean it's your birthday so wot do yeh want to do?" After she shook her head and shrugged, he continued. "C'mon, think. Anything you want to do, there must be something."

Right as she opened her mouth to protest she closed it, suddenly thinking of something. A bit hesitant to suggest her idea, she took a moment before quietly speaking "d-do you want to...go to the barn?" Her question caught him by surprise, surely she meant at her old house right? Well of course she did. What other barn is there? "Doesn't it belong to someone?" She shook her head "it's been abandoned ever since my parents died, I haven't been there or seen it in years. Maybe we could look together?" He honestly was quite curious about how it looked, and it was her birthday. "Yeah, I think it's a very good idea. And don't worry about these floors, I'll clean them later."

He didn't normally offer help, but she wasn't going to protest, she just stood up. "I'll go tell the kids." As she entered the shop, the first person she spotted was Toby "do you mind if mr.T and I take a walk?" Toby figured..more like hoped they were going on some type of date and smiled. "Not at all mum, go 'ave fun and take your time!" She gave him a smile and kissed his head "thanks love."
Nellie and Sweeney arrived at her old house, they looked at it in shock for a few minutes. It looked beaten up and messy, honestly it hadn't changed much. But it didn't have the lively presence to it that it once had. They turned their attention to the barn, briefly they glanced at each other before taking a deep breath and walking foward together. Sweeney noticed that Nellie looked a bit sad, probably because this was her childhood home and it looked like it was ready to crash down. Side by side, they stood infront of the barn. Before he opened the barn door he put his hand onto her shoulder "are you ready?" She swallowed hard, was she? Either way she nodded anyway "yes" she said softly but it was barely audible. Slowly, he pulled the big door open and they attempted to soak it all in. It looked much different, there weren't any kittens running around, there wasn't a horse in the stable, and there were cobwebs everywhere. The ground was dirty and muddy but the wooden floor was still there. The hay stacks that Benjamin and Nellie used to sit on were still thankfully there but some of the hay was pulled out and on the ground now.

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