Stick to the plan, Toby.

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A/N I just want to say I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update! I've been so busy with the holidays please forgive me! Anyway, for what it's worth, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

The next morning Victoria packed her bags and got ready to leave. Everyone was sad to see her go, even Sweeney would miss her. With her bags loaded up in the carriage, Victoria went back into the house to say goodbye to everyone. She stood infront of Nellie who wore a sad expression.

Victoria stuck out her bottom lip "oh honey, I'll miss all of yeh so much. I'm only an hour away so feel free to visit at any time. As usual, I'll see you next year at around this time. You're in very good hands Nellie," they hugged each other tightly. Even though they both knew they'd see each other in a year, it was still sad to say goodbye. Victoria kissed Nellie's cheek before she went into the livingroom to say goodbye to the children. None of them wanted her to leave, she was so fun and energetic, plus she helped with their Todd and Lovett plans. The three of them hugged her at the same time.

"Awe I'll miss yeh my dears, but I'll be back to visit. Don't give up on your mum and dad, keep making your little schemes to get them together." She whispered and winked at them, they laughed.

"We will, we promise."

Victoria handed them a small slip of paper with an adress written on it "here's my adress, feel free to write me at any time, and keep me updated on the two hopeless romantics."

They laughed again and put the peice of paper in a drawer in Johanna's room so they wouldn't lose it. She kissed each of them on the cheek before going up to mr.Todd's shop. He turned around to face her when he heard the door open "well, I 'ave to go home. But I wanted to say goodbye." Todd smiled but didn't say anything in return, he'd miss her. He was sad to see her go since he hadn't seen her in so long.

"You and Nellie are doing a great job with the kids mr.Todd. It's good to have you back," Victoria spoke again and gave him a hug.

"Thank you Victoria, come and visit again soon," Victoria smiled and pulled away.

"Take care of Nellie for me" she whispered which made Todd smile.

"I think she takes care of me more than I take care of her."

Victoria laughed before heading to the door, after she opened it and was halfway out of the room, she turned. "Remember mr.Todd, there are two sides to every story." And then, she was gone.

Next day
Sweeney went downstairs expecting to see Nellie and the kids, but no one was there. A plate of breakfast sat on the table along with a glass of water. He assumed it was for him, considering no one else was around.

He ate his breakfast alone, wondering where everyone else was. After he finished, he did the dishes to pass the time and then he swept the floor. He never had an interest in cleaning the pie shop, but he was pretty bored and it needed to get done.

Finally, mrs.Lovett walked through the front door and she raised her eyebrows when she saw him "wow never thought I'd come home to see you with a broom in your hand." She said as she removed her coat and hung it up.

"I was bored," Todd shrugged, "where were you anyway?"

"I went to the market with the kids, they decided to stay out though. Maybe go to the park or something."

Sweeney nodded before he put the broom down, "well we have the day off today. Anything you wanna do?"

Nellie shrugged "it's awfully cold outside so I'd prefer to stay in 'ere. Honestly I was planning on cleaning the house today but you don't have to help."

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