Mysterious mistletoe

720 51 28

         December 23rd
A few days went by, Sweeney mostly stayed up in his shop and he barely spoke a word to mrs.Lovett. Mrs.Lovett figured he needed some space so she let it go, but after a while it seemed a bit strange. She didn't do anything to make him mad so she had no idea why he was avoiding her. The actual reason was because he kept having dreams from his past and it confused him and even made things a bit awkward. Sweeney Todd had no idea why he was getting them and he wished they would just go away, to clear his mind, he kept going to the forest where he used to go with Nellie when they were little. It was quiet and it allowed him to get some fresh air.

Nellie walked through the forest, she went for the past two days, as did Sweeney. But they went at different times so neither one of them had a clue that the other had been there as well. Nellie let out a sigh, tomorrow was Christmas eve, but it didn't exactly feel like it. She could decorate and spread Christmas cheer all she wanted, but there was an emptiness somewhere. As she sat down on the ground she listened to the birds, it was all so peaceful, she could hear the flowing water from the creek, and the sky was so blue, everything seemed perfect. She shut her eyes and took in a deep breath but they quickly opened again when she heard something walking. She quickly stood up, wiping some dirt off of her dress. She stepped around the tree and saw what it was, or rather who it was.

A sigh of relief escaped her mouth "oh it's you." Sweeney Todd nodded they stared at each other for a couple of seconds, it was sort of awkward meeting here since they hadn't really spoken for a few days. Todd looked down and noticed she had some mud on her dress, he laughed a little bit. "All these years, and yeh still 'aven't managed to get the mud off of your dress" she looked down at her dress and laughed slightly.

"So, wot are yeh doing here?" He asked her as he looked around at their surroundings. "I uhm...I come here sometimes." She didn't bother to make up an excuse, why would she? "Me too" it was as if they both had a secret that was just revealed, but the only secret was that they both missed their childhood, they each wanted a taste of it again.

Nellie couldn't hold in the question that plagued her mind "why 'ave you been avoiding me?" He knew that question was coming, though he didn't really have an answer. He didn't really know why himself. "I dunno, I'm sorry. I've just been having dreams and flashbacks about Benjamin, and us, and... they just confuse me."  She put her hand on his shoulder "I know, I get them too."

A stab of guilt hit him, well even more guilt than he already felt. They've both been getting flashbacks and dreams of the past, but he was the one avoiding her. "I'm sorry Nell" she gave him a reassuring smile, "don't be. I understand, now cheer up." He tilted his head up, when he did he spotted a creek behind her. The same creek they used to splash around and swim in, it looked smaller now.

"Hey, remember when you pushed me in?" He asked her as he walked towards the creek. She laughed a little "oh yeah, sorry about that" she laughed a little bit more. "Can you believe tomorrow is Christmas eve?" She asked him as the two of them stared at the creek.

"Well considering I spent fifteen years of Christmas eve in a cell for a crime that I didn't commit, nothing surprises me anymore." They sat down on the ground.

"I know you miss her" Nellie told him, Sweeney looked up with a confused look as if he didn't know who she meant. "Lucy ya dummy, I know you miss her." He shrugged, "it's not as hard as it used to be. There are times that I really wish she was 'ere, but now that Johanna is here, it's not so bad anymore." Sweeney Todd smiled slightly at himself, feeling relieved that the pain of losing Lucy became less painful.

Nellie was happy for him, but didn't exactly know what to stay, so she remained silent. For a few minutes the only sounds were the chirping birds, the creek flowing, and the wind blowing. Until her voice broke the silence "we should probably get back to Fleet street" he nodded, and the two of them returned in silence.

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