Past lives

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Hey guys! So this whole chapter is a flashback \ dream and it all takes place in the past, enjoy!

Lucy felt horribly guilty. Nellie was her closest friend and yet, Lucy began to develop feelings for Benjamin. She could never tell him though, it wouldn't be right to Nellie, Lucy did the only logical thing she could think to do, and she avoided him. She hadn't spoken to Benjamin in months, hoping the feelings would just simply go away.

Nellie couldn't wait to tell Benjamin about what her mother said, they were going to get married! She couldn't believe it!

Benjamin waited until he saw Nellie's parents leave, he then ran to her yard and gathered some pebbles, before he began throwing them one by one at her window. Nellie smiled to herself when she heard things tapping at the glass of her bedroom window, she laughed as she opened it and looked down to see Benjamin standing there. "Wot on earth are you down there for? Come inside!" She told him ecstatically, this was it, she was going to give him the wonderful news.

Benjamin ran in the front door, through the house, and up the stairs to Nellie's bedroom. He found her sitting there on her bed, looking as beautiful as always. He sat down beside her and leaned in to kiss her, she kissed him back, smiling lightly against his mouth. He felt her hand on his cheek as they continued to kiss each other. Little did they know, this would be their final kiss.

"I have something to tell you," she told him when they pulled away.

"I have something to tell you as well." He smiled, very excited about what he wanted to say to her.

"You first." She told him, smiling widely.

"Run away with me, Nellie." He told her as he took her hands in his.

Her smiled faded instantly "wot?"

"Let's elope. Get away from our parents, get away from everything. Just you and me, we'll get married in secret and go off and live happily ever after. Anywhere you want." He smiled, anxiously awaiting her answer.

"That's just it though, we don't need to. That's wot I wanted to tell you."

"Wot did you want to tell me?"

Nellie took a deep breath, even though she could hardly contain her excitement. "My mother wants us to be married! Isn't it just wonderful? She's okay with it! Now we can be married." She smiled brightly, excitedly. But Benjamin frowned and she took notice "wot's wrong? Aren't you happy?"

"You're saying you wouldn't have married me, unless your mother approved?" He sounded hurt, and he let go of Nellie's hands.

"Wot? No, no that's not wot I meant. Of course I would've!"

"Then run away with me Nell." He pleaded desperately, cupping her face. "No more foolish townspeople, or snobby rich folk, no more bossy parents or eligible lovers. Just us, we'll slip away in the middle of the night and go anywhere your heart desires."

As much as Nellie wanted to say yes to this, she just couldn't. She couldn't leave her parents, and there was no need to do so anyway. Her mother approved, it didn't have to be a secret. "Benjamin darling, we don't have to do that. My parents approve of us."

"Do you constantly rely on their approval?"

"Of course not, I just..."

"You just wouldn't marry me unless your mum said yes." He interrupted her, his tone slightly bitter. It hurt him to think he thought of this whole plan for her and she wouldn't have even married him without approval. Didn't she love him?

"That's not true and it's not wot I meant, you know that!" Why was he being so defensive?

"Well then wot did you mean, Nellie? Why do you care so much about making everyone else happy? For once please just think of yourself and wot you want. Wot do you want?" What did she want? How could he even ask her such a stupid question?

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