Bored sickness

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And then it hit him...he gave his cold to Nellie. "Oh no" he whispered, she caught on and realized he knew something that she didn't. "Oh no wot?"
"Well you see, it's possible that I've been sick for a few days and haven't told you. It's also possible that since you slept next to me all night that maybe I gave it to you." Her eyes widened and he winced a bit, expecting a smack to the face. Instead she just yelled at him.
"Sweeney! You let me sleep in this germ infested bed next to you all night and you didn't say anything?!" She sat up quickly, but then had to lay back down because she felt light headed.

"I mean it honestly wouldn't have mattered anyway because the door wouldn't open, you would've been stuck in here no matter what." He gave her a weak smile, not wanting her to murder him. The two of them didn't know that before either of them woke up, Toby came up quietly and unlocked the door.

"Uhg I'll 'ave to sneak downstairs before Charles wakes up. Wot 'appened to you while you were sick? Just so I know what to look foward to." Sweeney Todd hesitated before answering her question. He knew she wouldn't like it, and she was already in a bad mood. Not that he could blame her.

"Well a lot of coughing and headaches, possible vomit. Oh and I fainted once." He told her pretty casually as if it were completely normal to be in these circumstances. "Fainted?!"
"Only once!" She rolled her eyes, but he continued "shouldn't you get downstairs before Charles wakes up?" Nellie sighed and nodded. When she stood up, she felt rather light headed but she didn't sit back down. The two of them were surprised that the door opened easily, but didn't question it.

Nellie made breakfast but Johanna insisted on helping, noticing mrs.Lovett didn't feel well. As the children and Charles ate their food, Sweeney stayed up in his shop. Nellie sat at the table with them, but didn't eat anything. Sickness didn't give her much of an appetite. As everyone ate she began to daydream, thinking of spring and how nice it will be to sit outside and look up at the clouds, making out the shapes and feeling the nice breeze. For now, winter would have to do, and she'd have to make the best of it.

After breakfast, Charles put on his coat, getting ready to go home, Sweeney Todd entered the pie shop. He noticed Nellie looked like she was about to pass out "Nell, maybe you should go lay down?" Nellie nodded, Charles furrowed his brows "is everything alright?" Nellie tried to put a full sentence together "yes, I just uhm...just..." her eyes began to close and she put her hand on the table for support. "Oh no" Sweeney mumbled to himself before quickly pacing over to her, she fell backwards but Sweeney caught her. Charles looked at Sweeney, "is she okay?" Sweeney gave Charles a fake smile "her? Oh yes, she's fine, she's just uhm...very tired that's all! She hasn't been getting much sleep, she's just resting now. I'll just uhm... well, I'll just drag her to her room now." He told Charles quickly before picking her up and taking her to her room. "The things I do for you Nellie Lovett." He mumbled under his breath. Charles stood in the doorway looking baffled for a few minutes, but decided everything was okay and he left.

A few hours later, Nellie woke up. Confusion filled her mind, she looked around her bedroom but couldn't remember how she got there. All she remembered was Sweeney telling her about how he got her sick, then she made breakfast, then Sweeney came downstairs and they were talking to Charles. And that's it. Why couldn't she remember anything else? Was it all a dream? No, it couldn't be, she had a terrible headache. What day was it? All of the unanswered questions spun around in her mind, just then her bedroom door opened. Toby entered, carrying a glass of water and a cold rag. "Glad teh see you're awake mum! Feeling any better?" Toby placed the cold rag onto her forehead. She was still confused "uhm yes..wot happened?"
"You fainted. Oh and since you 'aven't eaten all day, Anthony is making you some soup. I'll go 'elp him and bring it in for yeh." Mrs.Lovett opened her mouth to ask more questions, but Toby ran out of the room. Nellie took the rag off of her head and put it onto her nightstand, she stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before she heard the door open. Assuming it was Toby, she didn't look up.

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