Silent treatment

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Two weeks later
Nellie ran into Sweeney's shop "Sweeney! Victoria will be 'ere in a week isn't it exciting?! Oh man today was such a busy day I 'ad so many customers! I never stopped moving, were you busy? Oh you should've seen Toby help with the customers 'e was so fast! I think Charles is coming over today soon, oh wait no that's tomorrow. Is today Friday? I'm so off schedule and..."

"Nell you know I think you're wonderful but please stop talking." Sweeney interrupted with a hand on his head. Nellie placed her hands on her hips "well someone is grumpy"

"I have an awful headache and you talk so much."

Nellie made a face at his statement. She didn't talk that much. "I talk no more than you do on a daily basis."

Sweeney laughed and rolled his eyes "yes you do, and if you're not talking you're singing, or humming. Which doesn't bother me it's good but still."

"Well it depends on what mood you're in, but some nights you follow me around like a lost puppy." Sweeney shot his head up and pointed an accusing finger "that only happened twice! I bet I can go longer without talking to you than you can go without talking to me."

Nellie raised her eyebrows and scoffed "fine, it's a bet then. Wot does the winner get?" Sweeney Todd smirked "winner gets loser's tips for a week."

"That's not fair I make more tips than you do. You barely make any tips." Sweeney shrugged and stood up "not my fault that a lot of men come into yer shop."

Nellie furrowed her brows again "wot's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're young, thin, and attractive and they're old perverts." Nellie laughed "you think everyone is an old pervert."

"Trust me Nell, most men that go to your shop are." It was true, a lot of her male customers went to her shop mainly to stare at her or try to impress her, not that she ever payed any attention to them.
"Oh whatever, when does our bet start?"

"Now," he pointed to the door, his silent way of telling her to leave. In reality, she didn't really want to leave. When she sat downstairs alone she got bored, and even though the barber did sometimes follow her around like a lost puppy, she enjoyed talking to him. But of course, she couldn't let him know any of that! So she pursed her lips and held her head high as she walked out of the shop, pretending not to care.

The day carried on slowly and eventually ended, not one word was spoken between the barber and the baker. The children didn't like this bet at all! How could they fall in love if they wouldn't even speak to each other? At times, the two adults seemed utterly hopeless.

After the street fell silent, the sun went down, and everyone was in bed, Toby quietly went to Anthony's room. "Anthony?" He whispered as he creaked open the door "are you still awake?" Anthony sat up and rubbed his eyes before reaching to the nightstand beside his bed to light a candle "yeah is everything okay?" Toby nodded and stepped into the room.

"Yes I just had a question..." it was silent for a moment, "do you think mr.Todd is like a father to me?" Anthony never really thought about it before "I suppose so, how come?" Anthony didn't mind answering the question, but it was an odd thing to bring up at this hour.

"Well I've been thinking, and don't you think parenting brings people together?" Toby was on to something, that much was clear. Anthony was now intrigued "yeah, but they're still not speaking." Toby smiled "maybe that's a good thing. I mean, maybe they'll begin to miss talking to each other, maybe they'll just miss each other in general and they'll realize how much they like being around each other."

The next day went by very slowly for mrs.Lovett. Her shop was extremely busy and she was exhausted, she'd never been so anxious for closing time. As the day went on, she was barely awake and just decided to make dinner very early so she could go straight to bed. By the time she finally closed the shop she was so tired that she forgot about her bet with Sweeney, and she just wanted to get dinner over with. In order for her to make dinner, she needed to know what everyone wanted so she went up to his shop.

"Sweeney wot do you..." as she opened his door and got half of her sentence out, she remembered the bet. "Shit! I forgot! Alright, you win. Wot do you want for dinner?" He didn't move from his chair, his eyes remained staring at nothing, and he didn't speak. "Sweeney you don't need to ignore me anymore, you won." His expression didn't change and he began to polish his razor, acting as if she wasn't there.
"Sweeney I know you can hear me" nothing, he said nothing. Clearly he was just doing this to bother her and it began to work "can't see me huh?" She thought to herself before picking up one of his razors "look, I'm touching one of your razors!" Sweeney didn't look up, she continued "oh no I cut myself..." he payed no attention. "I'm bleeding, I might bleed out and die right here on your floor..." They both knew she didn't actually cut herself. She sighed and walked over to his dresser, she felt hesitant to try her next idea, but the worst he could do was yell at her. Reluctantly, she picked up the picture of Lucy and Johanna. "I'm touching your picture of Lucy."
"Oh no, I might drop it" she considered dropping it, but she couldn't do it. "Oh nevermind it's already broken." She mumbled and put it back safely on the dresser.

"I broke up with Charles!" Once again, he said nothing. He wouldn't even acknowledge her presence. Why was he so stubborn? Nellie walked over to the window and pointed "oh look Anthony and Johanna are kissing outside!" Even that didn't work, but Sweeney hoped to God she was kidding. Nellie let out a huge sigh, she didn't want to have to use this idea, but nothing else would work. Nellie walked a few feet behind him so he couldn't see her, she waited a few moments before rolling her eyes. "I'm naked." She mumbled unenthusiastically, also fully clothed.

Sweeney immediately stood up and turned around, but then frowned and crossed his arms "liar" he mumbled quietly, pouting like a child. "Ha! You turned around! You talked to me! So you're not ignoring me anymore right?" She had a bright smile spread across her face "no, were Johanna and Anthony really kissing?" He sounded very worried, Nellie laughed "no don't worry." Sweeney smiled and now looked very excited "did you really break up with Charles?"

"No, sorry" his smile faded and he stared at her with a very disappointed look. "But now we can talk again!" She cheered and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him. Sweeney rolled his eyes "I sort of liked not talking."

Nellie pulled away and smirked "you missed talking to me" she replied with confidence before she left his shop to make dinner "no I didn't" he yelled after her. Okay fine, maybe he did miss her, just a little. Sweeney sighed, he never told her what he wanted for dinner.

Hey! Sorry for the short chapter but I can assure you that the upcoming ones will be SUPER long! Victoria will be here in two chapters, I think you'll really like her ;) I'll update asap I promise! Please leave comments telling me what ya think! I love reading them :) have a nice day/night!! :)

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