Dating advice

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When Johanna woke up, she first thought of Anthony and their kiss. A smile formed on her face and she decided today was the day she'd talk to her mum about it. Toby got out of bed and his first thought was of Christine. He decided he'd talk to his father about advice.

Johanna entered the shop "mum, may I speak to you about something?" She asked shyly, looking to the floor. Mrs.Lovett stopped what she was doing and led Johanna to sit at a booth before she took the seat across from her. "Of course my dear, wot is it?"

Johanna nervously played with the fabric of her dress. She never talked about her feelings before-she never had anyone to talk about them with before. In fact, she never had feelings for anyone before, it was a very new and very strange feeling. "Well's about Anthony." That was all she managed to quietly spit out. Mrs.Lovett could tell Johanna was nervous, she smiled. She had a feeling she knew what this was about.
"Go on dear," she encouraged her gently.

"I've sort of had feelings for him for quite some time now and well yesterday, he sort of kissed me. I don't even know how to describe wot it felt was like..." Johanna couldn't think of the correct words to say how she felt.

"Like one thousand butterflies beautifully dancing around in your stomach?"
Mrs.Lovett asked, causing Johanna to smile brightly "yes exactly! How'd you know?"

Lovett laughed "because I know how it feels love, I 'ad my first kiss when I was fourteen." That night all those years ago in the barn. She decided not to tell Johanna that Sweeney was her first kiss...well, Benjamin. But Johanna assumed it was anyway.

"Was it magical?" Johanna asked, Nellie laughed a bit more and took a moment to think back to when she was fourteen. Looking back, she supposed at the time it felt magical, everyone's first kiss does at the time.

"Yes, I suppose so," Johanna hesitated to ask her the next question.

"Was...was it my dad?" Nellie froze, how'd she know? Sweeney and Nellie promised each other they'd never tell the children about their past together.

"Uhm...yes, yes it was. He was. How'd you know that?"

"One time you guys said you've been friends since you were four. I just figured if you've been friends all this time maybe it was him." The real reason she knew is because Victoria said they courted for two years. But Johanna couldn't snitch on Victoria.

Toby knocked on the barber shop door, he was nervous to ask mr.Todd for advice. But he didn't want to back out either. Todd opened the door and was surprised to see Toby. "You don't have to knock lad" he laughed slightly, but he noticed Toby was nervous.

Toby entered the shop "right, sorry."

"You alright?" Todd asked, seeing that Toby was on edge about something.

"Yes, I actually wanted to ask you for some advice...girl advice." Todd smiled, he remembered saying the exact same thing to his father when he was Toby's age. He felt honoured that Toby came to him.

"Well I can't promise it'll be good advice, but wot do you need help with?"

"I like Christine and I think she likes me too, though I'm not entirely sure. But I want to ask her to go on a date with me, I just don't know how to." This situation was very nostalgic considering Sweeney was once in the same position.

"Toby the best thing to do is just come right out and ask her." It sounded rather easy, unfortunately for Toby, it was easier said than done.

"I wish I didn't get so nervous."

"Maybe you should practice with someone." Toby's face lit up, he thought it was a very good idea.
"Okay! So you pretend to be Christine and then..." Sweeney cut him off.

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