You jump, I jump

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been forever! I just want to let you know I'll start putting quotes from earlier chapters in the new chapters as seen down below ↓ not every new chapter will have this, only some. Because some of the old quotes have something to do with upcoming chapters ;) also I wanted to quickly say that every picture at the beginning of the chapter has something to do with the chapter ^ just a hint ;) anyway, enjoy!

"Ben, promise me when we're older we'll still do things like this. We'll still dance in the snow, we'll still look at the stars, go to the broken bridge, all of it. I don't want us to ever become boring like our parents." -chapter 27 Never ending carriage ride

"Do you think we'll ever grow out of doing all these childish things?"

"I hope not."-Chapter 16 His broken tears

The weeks went on, February ended, the snow melted, many changes occurred in only a few weeks. Toby went on his first date with Christine, Anthony repaired multiple sails for ships, Nellie looked at wedding dresses, Sweeney's amount of customers increased, Johanna purchased a new book, and still, no sign of either the barber or baker falling in love.

Nellie served her customers feeling entirely bored. Every day it was the exact same routine. Wake up, eat breakfast, serve customers, eat lunch, serve customers, eat dinner, serve customers, close shop, argue with Sweeney, sleep, repeat. She practically felt dead inside.

It was the same thing for Sweeney who also felt rather dead inside. The two adults often thought back to when they were younger, when every day was an adventure. They both had tragic things happen to them since then, which sort of took the joy and the light out of things. They loved being parents, they loved Toby and Johanna, but something still felt missing. There was a certain emptiness inside each of them, but neither one of them could quite figure it out. It wasn't even the feeling of unhappiness, they just didn't feel alive.

Luckily, the next day was Saturday so they both had the day off. Nellie just had to make it through the rest of the day. Charles was coming over for dinner that night and she hoped everything would go well...for once.

Sweeney was in his shop at the end of the day, he had a decent amount of customers who tipped him very well so he was in a rather good mood. Well, good for him. He finally closed up his shop and got to sit down and close his eyes. He sighed deeply and tried to relax. But his eyes quickly shot open when he heard a meow from the other side of the room. Buttons sat on the floor with his head cocked to the side slightly. The barber shop door was closed, Sweeney furrowed his brows "how'd you get in 'ere?" He asked, as if he actually expected an answer. The kitten obviously didn't say anything in return. Sweeney rolled his eyes "I bet Nell snuck you in here just to drive me crazy." He stood up and reluctantly picked up the small animal and carried him downstairs. The first person he saw when he entered the shop was Nellie, who looked exhausted but she smiled lightly when she saw Todd. Sweeney put Buttons down on the floor "did you put him in my shop?"

Nellie looked rather amused "no, he must've followed you up there earlier. He likes you."

Todd glared at her "well I don't like him." Nellie only shrugged in response, she was sitting at her counter with her head in her hand, her elbow was propped up on the counter. Sweeney could tell she was tired due to the way she struggled to keep her eyes open and he could tell she had a busy day judging by the flour that covered the floor and counter. Not to mention she had flour on her dress, on her cheek, and a little bit in her hair. "Long day?" He asked and she sighed.

"It hasn't been that busy in months."

"That's because the weather is getting nicer. Why don't you go lay down or something?"

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