The rainbow after the bloody storm

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Nellie's eyes slowly opened as she took in her surroundings. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was a sleeping Sweeney Todd. Why was he in her room with her? She attempted to get up but two arms were wrapped tightly around her waist. She was snuggled into his chest and she couldn't get up without waking him. Then she remembered everything that happened the previous night, how she dreamt about Benjamin and Sweeney insisted on staying with her. She smiled lightly to herself as she softly brought her hand up to his cheek.

"Sweeney," she whispered, and his eyes slowly opened.

A small smile grew on his sleepy face when he saw her "hey Nell." He spoke quietly, his voice rather groggy still since he just woke up.

"Hey," she smiled at him and removed her hand from his cheek.

"How do you feel?" He asked her, suddenly remembering how upset she was last night.

"Much better, thank you."

Sweeney said nothing in return, just kissed her head before he got out of bed and went upstairs to get ready for the day.

Anthony helped Mrs.Lovett make breakfast while Johanna and Toby were at the market. He enjoyed helping her, he knew she did a lot of work by herself and he enjoyed cooking anyway. "Where'd Toby and Johanna run off to?" Mrs.Lovett asked Anthony, she knew he'd know. The three of them didn't do anything without all of them knowing.

"The market, apparently the cake that everyone loves is on sale today."

Nellie laughed "well, tha' makes sense. You know how much Toby loves cake."

Anthony laughed and began to set the table. There was something he'd been wanting to bring up with the baker, but he was always too hesitant about it. But the timing was perfect, no one else was around, and she seemed to be in a good mood, so he might as well just do it now. "Mrs.Lovett, may I ask you a question?"

"Course yeh can love, wot is it?"

"Is there anything going on between you and Mr.Todd? Romantically? I don't mean to pry, but it's just that some days it seems like you can't stand to be around each other. But then other days, when you look at each other, it just seems like there's something there. Something more than just friendship."

Mrs.Lovett sighed, this wasn't the first time one of the children brought it up. Nor was it the first time someone commented on the way they look at each other. Victoria made comments about it all of the time. "Mr.Todd and I have known each other for a long time, we know each other very well. So when we look at one another, there's simply a lot of history behind it. That's all."

"But do you feel something for him?" Anthony asked.

Nellie seemed to be getting that question an awful lot lately. For some unknown reason, saying yes to that question would feel like a lie. Then again, saying no would feel like a lie as well. "Anthony love, I know the way we all live is a bit dysfunctional. Johanna is Sweeney's biological daughter but she's my adopted daughter. Mr.Todd and I adopted Toby together even though we aren't married or in any sort of relationship. We took you in, not as a son, but as a friend so you and Johanna didn't have to be separated. I know it isn't exactly normal and so it's hard to understand, but Mr.Todd and I try our best everyday for the three of you. We parent Johanna and Toby together and we take care of them together, so in that way, we are partners. But we're never going to be together romantically. I'm engaged, and Mr.Todd loves his dear late wife, Lucy."

Anthony sighed, what if the children had been wrong this whole time? What if Todd and Lovett never turned out to be anything more than just friends? "Wot if you weren't engaged to Charles?"

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