Blade to Trigger

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A loud shriek echoed through the barber shop, making its way down Fleet street. "Sweeney, you bloody idiot!" Nellie shrieked again, attempting to wake the barber who, for the first time in a very long time was actually causing her fear. He wasn't sleep walking, not quite.

Rather sitting up on his knees in bed, hovering over his pillow as if it were an enemy; slashing it side to side with one of his razors. The man violently caused the fabric to shred and an endless flow of white feathers fell all around the pair. 

Carving up some unsuspecting man's throat during his dreams, no doubt. Or rather, his nightmares? Although perhaps this was just the thing a walking enigma such as Sweeney Todd dreamt of fondly? The baker wasn't sure. Nevertheless, Nellie kept back a safe distance, actually worried the unconscious man might accidentally slit her throat or badly wound her with his quick, frantic slashes. She'd never actually seen him kill up close before, is this how enraged and overcome with bloodlust he always got during a throat slitting?

"Todd!" One final attempt to wake the horrid sight of this man, as she reached to grab his shoulder and accidentally cut her hand on his shiny friend. Blood began to pour from the center of her palm, trailing to her wrist and down her forearm. 

Suddenly, the barber halted. Seeming to wake up at the feeling of friction between blade and flesh. A sensation he'd grown quite ecstatic from. He looked around at his surroundings, somewhat like a lost, blood stained puppy as it was discovering the world for the first, morbid time. The man stared in utter confusion and befuddlement down at the tattered remains of what once his pillow. His eyes widening when he saw droplets of blood staining the white fabric of his sheets. He turned his head and saw Nellie standing there, a few inches away from his bed. Staring at him with nothing but absolute horror and confusion staining her soft features. "Nell?" He asked, voice barely above a whisper as his eyes drifted from hers down to her blood stained hand. "Did I. . ."

"You were screaming in yer sleep. I came up 'ere to wake ya and saw you slicing up your bedding like it was a body. I yelled at you for minutes but you wouldn't wake up. Not until I grabbed you, and that's when, well. . ." She looked down at her hand now as well. Knowing he'd never intentionally hurt her. But what could he have been dreaming about? Turpin maybe? It had only been a week since the whole incident, blood was freshly on the sadistic man's mind. Just never her blood had met his blade before. Until now.

Sweeney couldn't believe he'd cut her, even if he wasn't awake or aware when it happened, even if it was unintentional. This was something he never thought he'd do. Hell, something he swore he'd never do! Not that there weren't times in the distant past he'd thought about it. It was only a small cut, an accidental one at that, but seeing blood drip from her veins due to his blade made him feel sick to his stomach. "I'm sorry, I don't know. . ."

"Your eyes, Sweeney." The baker cut him off, worried not only for the barber but for herself as well. "They were different. It was like when you just finished a kill again. When you were bloodthirsty and the only thing that made you happy was slicing a man's throat. I couldn't wake you up. It was like the old you again, before you came back to me, love. Before you got better. Before the Judge died."

Sweeney shook his head.  Though he'd never dream of hurting her, he couldn't deny how beautiful the deep red trail looked against her fair skin. Part of him wanted to lift her hand and kiss where he'd nicked her skin, taste her blood.

Well, that was new.

Not that he'd now want to drink blood of his victims, even he wouldn't cross that line. The very thought of drinking blood itself made Sweeney Todd feel sick and disgusted. But with her, how elegant the crimson liquid he was so familiar with and fond of looked against her pale skin. It sent something through him, an unfamiliar urge he'd never felt before. Not that he liked the fact that she was hurt, he wouldn't want her to ever get hurt by anyone or especially himself in order to see her blood. Nevertheless it was a rare, breathtaking sight the madman guiltily enjoyed. He'd never let her know it of course.
"Nell it was just a dream, a bad dream. I haven't slept much lately, that's the end of it."

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