I propose a proposal.

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Pouring rain soaked the filthy London streets, lighting cracked and created flashes of various midnight crimes throughout the city. Shadows of dark deeds glimpsing frantically, disappearing within a split second.

Complete darkness returning as a jet-black, thick blanket gently draped over each individual block. Just as quickly as it began.

Rivers of pollution and rat piss seemed to stream together, all flooding down a direct path to Fleet street. The cursed street already so drenched with blood and despair. Dogs howled along with the roaring thunder and harsh cracks of light, adding to the midnight chaos. Echoes fading into the night. Quakes of the dark violent storm completely shaking every little sad, foggy town to it's very core.

Mrs.Lovett groaned and huffed out of the bakehouse in a rush, quickly closing the heavy steel door behind her. Already covered in blood and fluid from chopping up a body all night, she didn't mind the rain helping her clean off a bit. Almost like God's shower cleansing her of her sins. Though she was wise enough to know God, at this point, was not on her side. What she didn't care for much was the pool of disgust running down the walk outside, drenching the bottom of her skirts. Despite the vacant street during such hours, she was sure to hurry from the bakehouse into her shop for fear of being seen. Better to be safe than sorry covered in the guts of the man you shot just the night before.

The woman was still in utter shock of the whole ordeal. The fact that Turpin's entire family had been stalking them, and this man last night had an unsettling obsession with Johanna. Oh how sickening to imagine. How unsettling the thought of him preying on their home, much less Johanna for months!

The life she took. Nellie wasn't sure if she'd ever be able to shake the image of the man's heavy body thudding to the ground, life depleting from his eyes. The pressure of the gun shifting in her tiny palm as she pulled the trigger, taking the first and only life she'd ever taken. Not that she truly regretted it.

The way her body was overcome with intense heat of relief when she realized Sweeney was alive. It was a sensation she'd never before experienced. Oh, that ecstasy washing over her body when he stood before her alive, knowing she didn't lose him yet again. If nothing else, Nellie knew she'd do anything at this point to protect Sweeney Todd.

Something else had lingered within her that moment though, a warm tingle. The strange feeling of not being disgusted with herself that she'd just murdered someone, even if it was to protect herself and her lover. Even worse, the way it almost excited the baker. The high her whole body felt the entire night after the crime was committed.

Is that the high Sweeney felt every time after he spilled blood? Would it always feel as good as the first time or did the euphoric feeling dwindle a bit after each time? Perhaps that's why Sweeney would continue to kill? Chasing that same feeling every time, only to be disappointed? Chasing a high that could only ever be found once.

The baker was unsure of the answers to her many spinning questions. Questions in which only Sweeney Todd could answer. In some cases, however, no answer was better than knowing the truth.

The pie shop was very dimly lit with only three candles burning, the woman could barely see a thing. She carefully made her way down the hall to draw a bath and scrub all of the sin of the night's passed clear from her skin. A bath could never erase the many horrendous acts the lovers committed together, but it could surely rid their bodies of the evidence.

And the stench.

Still, she had much work to do downstairs, still needing to grind the chopped up body and bake the pies to sell. The rest of that could wait until the next day. The woman was beyond exhausted.

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