The first to fall

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The three children sat together at a booth with a few papers. Johanna put a check mark in the little box that had the words 'Valentine's day' written next to it. The paper was titled 'How to make mum and dad fall in love' and those words were written in big bold letters at the top of the page. Down the page, a few of their previous plans were written with check marks next to them.

"Alright guys, time for some new ideas. Valentine's day is over so we can check that off the list, now we need another plan to get started on." Johanna told Anthony and Toby.

Toby sighed, "I wish Victoria was 'ere, she'd probably have some good ideas." Johanna and Anthony nodded in agreement, it was true, Victoria seemed to be very good at playing cupid.

It was silent for a few minutes, the three of them trying to think of something, that's when Johanna snapped her fingers "that's it!" She cheered, breaking the silence before continuing. "They both care an awful lot about Victoria. Maybe we could write a fake letter and pretend it's from her, in the letter we could say she's sick with the common cold and wants them to come keep her company for the day. When a carriage gets 'ere to take them to her house, we'll pay the coachman to ride them out to the middle of nowhere. After an hour or so, he can bring them back home, they'll be stuck in a small space together for a few hours, they'll have to talk about something. Victoria gave us her adress, I'll write a letter to her today and tell her about this plan, that way if either of them ever brings this up to her she'll know wot to say." Anthony and Toby were completely and utterly stunned and impressed by just how fast she came up with such a good idea.

They spent the next few minutes perfecting their new plan, which would take place the following week.

"So, who do yeh think will be the first to fall in love with the other?" Toby asked.

"That's easy," Anthony stated, "mrs.Lovett will definitely fall in love with mr.Todd first."

Johanna furrowed her brows at his guess, "no way, my dad will fall for mum before she falls for 'im."

Anthony shook his head "I wouldn't be surprised if mrs.Lovett is already starting to develop feelings for him."

Johanna laughed "oh please, didn't you see how upset my father got when he found out Charles hit her?"

"So? If I hit you, which I would never do, Toby would want to kill me. Doesn't mean he has feelings for you."

Toby nodded in agreement to what Anthony said, "that's true."

Johanna rolled her eyes "I still think he'll fall first."

"Have you not seen the way mrs.Lovett looks at mr.Todd? She adores him! Absolutely adores him, I know she'll be the first to fall."

Toby encouraged them to make a bet on it, which they agreed to. As the week went on, Anthony and Johanna continued their argument on who would fall in love with the other first. Toby didn't have an opinion, he quite frankly didn't care who fell in love first, he just wanted it to happen.

Nellie entered Sweeney's shop, he quickly frowned when he saw the bruise under her eye still hadn't gone away. Sweeney never liked Charles, even before he began to court Nellie. Her black eye only made his hatred for Charles grow.
"Does your eye hurt?"
Nellie said no, but Sweeney wasn't sure if she meant it, or if she was just telling him what he wanted to hear so he'd stay calm.

"I want to talk to you about something though," she told him, sounding a bit nervous.


"Charles is coming over for dinner tonight and..."

Sweeney cut her off, he pulled a razor from his holster "good, then I can have a little chat with him about wot he did to you."

Nellie placed her hands on her hips "no you won't. This is why I came to talk to you. I told the children to pretend that they think I tripped and fell and that's why I have the black eye. I want you to pretend also, I don't want Charles to know I told the four of you wot happened. Just be nice to him...please." she pleaded, not wanting the dinner to go horribly wrong.

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