We love Lucy

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Sweeney Todd stared contently out of his window as he polished his razor. Surprisingly it was a beautiful day today, the usually gray and cloudy skies were now blue, and the sun made the cobblestone streets sparkle. London only ever saw a handful of nice days like this per year. Nellie was sitting in the barber chair, much more quiet than usual. They both had off today since it was Saturday, and usually on days off she'd come upstairs and talk to him about whatever was on her mind. Then they'd go downstairs and she'd make breakfast for the kids, then they'd sit in the living room or go on a walk or something. But today she was quiet, and he noticed how she barely said a word to him since she entered his shop earlier that morning.

"Something bothering you, Nell?" He asked her without turning away from the window as he continued to polish the razor.

Nellie stayed silent for a few more seconds, she was hesitant to tell him what she needed to tell him. He seemed to be in a relatively good mood and she didn't want to ruin it, but at the same time she felt obliged to let him know. "I've got to tell you something." She spoke softly, part of her hoping he wouldn't even hear her. But he did, and he sensed a nervousness in her voice so he finally turned around to look at her. "Today marks fifteen years." She told him, sounding rather sad about something.

But Todd wasn't following what she meant. "Fifteen years since wot?"

Nellie sighed and looked away from him "Lucy's passing was fifteen years ago today." She told him as gently as she possibly could, but there isn't exactly a gentle way to tell someone the anniversary of their late wife's death. Sweeney felt a strange empty feeling immediately grow in his stomach at her words, and Nellie noticed his change in expression. She stood from the chair "I'm sorry Sweeney, I wasn't even sure if I should tell you. But she is your wife, I figured you deserve to know."

Sweeney said nothing, just glanced over to his desk where Lucy's copy of Romeo and Juliet was sitting. He then walked over to his picture of Lucy and Johanna. There were things about Lucy he could barely remember at all, like what her eyes looked like, or how she smiled. But then there were certain things about her that were still so clear in his mind, like the color of her hair, and the sound of her laugh, he felt like he just heard her laughing yesterday. It didn't seem possible she'd been dead for fifteen years, that means he hadn't even spoken to her in about sixteen years. And yet he remembered a few of their conversations so perfectly. She was always very well spoken, she truly was a great wife, and a wonderful mother.

He understood she was at such a low point in her life and in her mind the day she took her own life fifteen years ago. It wasn't fair, she was too good a person, and she was far too young when she died.

Nellie looked at Todd sadly, he hadn't uttered a single word since she told him, and he just stared off somewhere. Much like he used to when he was obsessed with getting his revenge on the Judge. She walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder, but still he remained staring off, not even there. "Sweeney?" She spoke softly and he slowly turned around to meet her eyes with his sad ones, letting her know she had his attention without actually having to speak. "Are you okay, love?"

Todd nodded his head, and then finally he spoke. "Will you take me to where she's buried?" His question caught her off guard, he'd never asked about her grave before, he'd never mentioned going there before.

"Of course, when do you want to go?"

"Now," he answered quietly. If they waited until later he'd be anxious and anticipating it all day.

"Do you want Johanna to go as well?" Nellie asked, not thinking it was the best idea but at the same time, Johanna was Lucy's daughter. She figured maybe Johanna would want to go with her dad.

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