#10: The Journal

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Sophie was sitting at her desk. Her pencil was moving frantically. This was something no one could ever see. This was a diary. She started writing in it after they defeated the Neverseen. The reason no one could see it was because it was the only place she could actually act like a lovesick puppy. It was the only time she could express her feelings. Her feelings about Keefe. She was mid-word when someone tapped her shoulder. She yelped and slammed the book shut. She slowly turned around, afraid of who might be standing behind her. When she finally opened her eyes she saw- whaddya know -Keefe. She silently pleaded that he hadn't seen. She was writing about how no one could know about her crush on Keefe.

"What's that?" Keefe asked.

"n-nothing" Sophie said, trying to put it in her desk.

Keefe snatched it our of her hands though. She wanted to cry. All of her secrets would be exposed. To the worst person possible. A stubborn tear slid down her cheek.

"Why are you crying?" he asked.

She wiped the tear off of her cheek, only to feel more pour from her eyes.

"It doesn't matter. Just please give that back. You don't understand" she said, still crying.

He started to hand the book back to her, but he pulled it away at the last second. Why was he being such a jerk?

"Actually I do understand. Do you know how long I was actually standing behind you?" He asked.

More tears slid down her cheeks. He saw? How bad was this going to get?

"Y-You saw?" she asked

Keefe nodded his head and closed his eyes. As if he didn't want to see her reaction.

"I saw. You don't have to hide like that from me. You know that, right?" Keefe said.

Sophie sniffled and shook her head.

"You wouldn't understand. If I just told you, I would be like every other girl in school. I don't want to be like everyone else" Sophie said, still crying.

Keefe shook his head and wiped her tears. It was no use though. More tears streamed out.

"You wont ever be like anyone else. You know me better than anyone. And if you still like me after everything you know, then you must be special. You really don't have to hide from me" he said.

That made Sophie feel better. Keefe wiped more tears and this time, her face stayed dry. 

"Because I like you too" he added.

Sophie didn't know what to say to this. So she did something that could say everything, without actually talking. She stood on her toes and kissed him. He didn't pull away. Her cheeks were bright red now and so were Keefe's. Neither of them knew what to do now.

"Um.....can I have my book back now?" Sophie asked.

"Can I read it?" Keefe asked.

"No way. It's too personal" she said.

"Oh yeah? And how personal does this get?" He asked.

"Too personal for you to read. Now give it back" she said, trying to grab it.

Keefe held it above his head and Sophie tried to get it. She jumped but it didn't help.

"Now. I'm going to go home and read this" he said.

Sophie groaned.

"Why did you come here in the first place? I'm pretty sure it wasn't so you could steal my notebook" she said.

"I wanted to hang out. But reading this is more important" he said.

It's over. He would read her journal and find out how pathetic she actually was. She reached for her notebook again but Keefe leaped away before she could grab it. She was done for.

Keefe's POV
After he leapt back home, he went up to his room. He did feel bad about leaving Sophie that way though. So he decided to hail her.

"Hey Sophie"

"Hi Keefe. Are you calling to make fun of me?"

"No. And I won't make fun of you. Plus I haven't read the normal yet"


"Yeah yet. I have to go. See you later"

Then he turned off his imparter. He opened the notebook and started reading.

This is a journal that no one can see. If they do, then they will know my worst secret. This is the only place I can act like a girl. The only place I don't have to be fearless and tough. I wish people would understand that I'm still a 13 year old girl. I do have a crush on a boy. One boy. Keefe. It's not normal either. It's like he was made for me. And yeah. I know how cliché that sounds. But it could be true. I don't want to be one of the lovesick girls though. I want to be special to him.

After reading for an hour, Keefe didn't know what to say. She did like him as much as he likes her. That was good. He decided to go to Havenfield to give the journal back. When he got there, Sophie was in the main room of Havenfield. She looked anxious. When she saw Keefe, she went red. She took his wrist and brought him to her room.

"So are you going to make fun of me?" She asked.

Of course not. Why would he do that. He was just as lovesick.

"Of course not. Here"

He handed the journal back to her and she put it on her desk. Then Keefe did what he wanted to do for a long time. He kissed her. When he pulled away, Sophie was red again.

"So, what does this mean for us?" Sophie asked.

"This means. That we are both crazy for eachother and I'm asking you to be my girlfriend" Keefe said.

It felt so good to get that off of his chest

"Well, in that case, I will be your girlfriend" she said.

YES! Sophie Foster is his girlfriend.

Sophie plopped on the bed and Keefe later down next to her. He looked out the window and saw how dark it was. Then he looked at Sophie and she was already asleep. Keefe felt his eyes droop.

"I love you" he whispered into the silence.

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