#38: All Nighter

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A/N: Hey guys! This one shot is inspired by a one shot from @waterbendingpercy

"Sophie, wake up" Keefe said. Sophie was stirred awake, and the first thing she saw was Keefe laying down next to her on the bed, looking at her lovingly.

"You fell asleep" He said, giving her a small kiss on the forehead and cheek, then went on smirking at her. Of course she fell asleep, she had been leaning on his shoulder, and it was one in the morning.

"Sorry, I'm just really tired. I'll try not to sleep again" Sophie said. Keefe chuckled at her, and she pushed his face into the pillow.

"Rude" Keefe said, though he was smiling. "Let's watch a movie, it'll keep us up" he added. He walked over to Sophie's mini monitor, and brought it over to the bed. They looked through, trying to decide what movie to watch, when they both settled into agreement. They'd be watching 50 First Dates.

"Is that a walrus?" Keefe asked.

"Yeah" Sophie replied.

"This movie is sad"

"I know"

"What if she doesn't sleep? Would she still lose her memory?" Keefe asked.

"I don't know, Keefe, how about we just watch" Sophie said. The boy pouted, but disobeyed. He leaned against his hand with his elbow on the bed, propping him up sideways so he was facing Sophie.

"Do you wanna try and kiss like they did?" Keefe asked. Sophie was shocked, he'd never really directly asked for a kiss before. She kind of like this.

"It seems a bit gross.." Sophie said. She had seen a lot of tongues.

"Yeah, but they made it seem so romantic" Keefe said. Sophie wasn't sure how this would end up, but she did like the thought of it...

"Okay, lets do it" Sophie said. She leaned over cautiously, and pressed her lips against his. As soon as she did, she felt a foreign tongue in her mouth. She had to fight the urge to pull away. Then Keefe bit her lip, and she squeaked at the sheer unexpectedness of it. She pushed her own tongue into his mouth, almost grimacing at the way it felt, but she liked it. She liked it?

After a few more minutes of this, they pulled away and both wiped their mouths.

"That was, uh, it was-" Keefe started.

"Good" Sophie finished.

"Yeah" he said.

"Let's do it again sometime" Sophie said, smiling at him.

"Definitely" he answered.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

And then they stayed awake for the rest of the night to see the sun rise.

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