#6: Down The Hill

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"Sophie! Wait!" Keefe said. He was chasing her down the hall. He eventually caught up with her and put his arms around her so she couldn't run away. She struggled to get out of his grasp and eventually just crouched down and she was free. She didn't run away though. "What do you want Keefe?" She said. "You said that we were going to go to the sanctuary today. Why are you running off?" He asked. there was a crinkle above his brow. "I thought you were meeting me there. I have to go to Havenfeild to tell Grady and Edaline. Do you want to come?" She said, raising her eyebrows. "Yeah" was his only reply. Then they started walking towards the schools leapmaster. "So. Why were you running away from me?" He asked. "To see if I could. Obviously I couldn't. But I did escape your bear hug" Sophie said smiling. She was proud of that. And happy that she was shorter than him. Then he bumped her and she bumped him back. It turned into a game until they got to the leapmaster. "Havenfeild!" Sophie yelled. Then she pulled Keefe into the light with her. In a flash, they were standing in the pastures of Havenfeild and Grady was giving Verdi a bath. "Hey Sophie. Hi Keefe. What brings you here?" Grady asked. "Just coming along with Sophie" Keefe answered. Grady looked at their hands. They were still intertwined. They both pulled away. "Um. Uh. We're going to the sanctuary to check on Silveny. We'll be back by nightfall" Sophie said. Then she pulled on Keefe's sleeve as he chased her inside and up the stairs. When they got to the leapmaster Keefe yelled "The Sanctuary!" And they both walked into the light. The last thing Sophie saw was a smirking Edaline. When they got to the Himalayas, they both started shivering. "If the school is going to put caped on our uniforms, they should at lease make them warm" Sophie said while shivering. Then the door opened and they walked inside. They stopped at the hill and Keefe slid down first. Sophie went shortly after him. She fell on top of him and he smirked. "You just wanna keep sweeping me off of my feet, don't you?" He asked. Sophie just smiled. "Hehe. Oops" then she realized how close they were. She could see how beautiful his eyes really were. Her smile faded. She hoped Keefe couldn't feel the change in her mood, but she was too late. "What's that emotion I feel coming off of you? Is that......love?" He asked smiling. Sophie blushed. Then Keefe sat up on his elbows and they were even closer. Their body's were on top of eachother. Then Keefe did the unexpected but expected thing. He leaned up more and kissed her. She sank into it and then they heard someone clear their throat. Uh-oh. Busted Sophie thought. When she looked up she saw Jurek. She quickly scrambled off of Keefe and they both stood up. They looked at their shoes like they held the secrets of the universe. "I suppose this is a bad time" Jurek said. "Umm.......I rolled down the hill and fell on top of him. Again" Sophie said, still looking down. "I didn't ask for an explanation. Come on. Silveny's this way" Jurek said. Sophie and Keefe followed him and when they got close enough for them to see Silveny, her head filled with Sophie! Keefe! Love! Kiss! Fly! Sophie blushed and transmitted yes

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