#21: Whose heart?

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Sophie was listening to her iPod after a day of school. She should be studying for her Elvin history test, but she figured it could wait. All she wanted to do was tune out the rest of the world and just think. Think about everything that had happened that day. The two boys finally giving in to their hearts and begging for Sophie's. If only they knew. Someone else holds her heart. Biana doesn't even know. Fitz and Dex. Who would have thought? Everybody. Even her. She knew it would happen someday. Just not this soon. She shouldn't be surprised though. She had been serenaded to at the beginning of the year. The next song was about to play, and in the silence in between the songs she heard a knock on the door. She pulled her earbuds out and opened the door with telekinesis. Standing there was Keefe and Edaline. Edaline had a huge grin on her face and Keefe looked smug. Edaline walked in and sat next to Sophie on her bed. She hugged her tight and Sophie hugged back.

"I heard about what happened today" Edaline said.

"I wonder who told you" Sophie said smirking and looking at Keefe. He just shrugged.

"I thought you would need some cheering up so I made some custard bursts. They're chocolate-cherry, like the ones I made for you the first time you had them" Edaline said. She snapped her fingers and the plate appeared on the bed. Keefe walked in and sat next to Sophie. He grabbed a burst and took a bite out of it. Sophie smiled and took a bite of her own. Edaline smiled at the sight of them. Sophie rested her head on Keefe's chest.

"What should I say to them?" She asked.

"We might have to tell them. Why not? It will be great to finally be with you at school" he said. He kissed her head and she smiled up at him.

"What do you think I should do mom?" Sophie asked.

"I think you should tell them. They won't stop until you tell them" Edaline said.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Should we do tomorrow?" She asked. Keefe smiled and nodded. A real smile. She only saw that smile when they were alone. She stood up and grabbed another custard burst. "Until then, you owe me a dance from detention" Keefe said. Sophie smiled this time. Keefe held out his hand and Sophie took it and twirled into his arms. "So you're not as bad a dancer as you said you were?" He asked. Sophie shook her head. At this point, Edaline had left the room. Sophie went over to her iPod and unplugged the headphones. She selected her romance playlist and let it play. Keefe dipped her and twirled her and spun her around. When the music stopped they ran downstairs out of breath.

"You do know that there's a dance competition in the Lost Cities right? You two should enter" Grady said.

"There's a dance competition? Even I didn't know that" Keefe said.

"That's because you can't enter until you're 13" Grady explained.

"I'm 14 though"

"And your parents probably never said anything about it. And at school, well, you must not listen very well" Grady said.

"Whatever. We definitely should enter. We have a chance at winning. And you know all of those human dances so we're bound to win. What do you say?"

"Yeah that'll be fun. Let's do it" Sophie said.

"We'll practice tomorrow after everyone knows we're together" Keefe said. He kissed her forehead, said goodbye and leaped away. Sophie ate dinner and went to bed. The next day would be eventful.

The next day...
Sophie walked to her locker to find Fitz and Dex there. Not again Sophie thought. When she got there she licked the locker and opened it. "Hey guys!" Sophie said. They both smiled. Then at the exact perfect time, Keefe ran up behind her and put his arms around her. She screamed a little and the other two boys looked confused. "Uh hey guys. Didn't know you were here" Keefe said. He let go of Sophie and stood awkwardly next to her. "So... I have something to tell you. Keefe and I.... are together" Sophie said. She waited for the boys' responses but they both just looked stunned. And hurt. Sophie immediately felt guilty. "Hey, guys, it's no big deal right?" Keefe asked. Fitz nodded and replaced his shocked face with smile. Dex on the other hand, threw a paper at Sophie's feet and ran away. Sophie picked up the paper and read it.

Hey Sophie. So I really need to tell you something. I know about you and Keefe. I came to your house one day and you were in your room with him. I'm happy for you, believe me, I am. At least he's better than Wonderboy :)


"I can't believe he already knew" Keefe said. "Well, sometimes, even the master pranker can't keep a secret for that long" Sophie said. Keefe smirked. "Come on, let's go practice for the dance thing" Keefe said. "You guys are entering together? I have no one to enter with" Fitz said. "You should ask Marella. She's a great dancer" Sophie said. "Not as great as you" Keefe said. He kissed the top of her head and they headed for first session.

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