#25: Sun

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"Come lay down with me" Keefe said. Sophie smiled and walked over toward the bed and laid down next to him. She put her head on his shoulder and he put his arm around her. She snuggled closer and started feeling tired, but she knew that if she slept she'd have nightmares. She didn't want to frighten Keefe with her subconscious screams. So she stayed awake. Keefe did too. He held her hand and played with her hair and whispered calming and reassuring things in her ear for no reason at all. These were the nights that Sophie always looked forward to. The nights where no one else was around and they could be who they really were without worrying about anyone judging them. She wondered if this was how the students in her human high school felt. They always had a twelve year old around and probably had to filter themselves as much as they possibly could. Sophie understood that now, as she was the same age as her classmates were at the time. Now she didn't really have much of a filter when she was with her friends, and was always annoyed when her little sister was was around. Grady and Edaline had another child. They wanted another, but were too scared after Jolie. After taking care of Sophie for about three years, they finally decided they were ready. Now Sophie was 18 in human years (19 if you count the Elvin way) and her little sister, Belle, was four in human years. Now, she and Keefe had been dating for two years, and are in their last level at Foxfire. Sophie skipped two years when the Council found out she was really fourteen on their standards, and she had caught up with the curriculum and moved up an extra year, just as Keefe had. Sophie learned not to listen to the other prodigies when they yelled things at her. It didn't happen often, because she saved the world and everything, but some people still had unresolved grudges for no reason, and they liked to pick on her because of her differences. Some things would never change, but maybe that wasn't a bad thing. That would mean she would always have Keefe, no matter what happened. She still wore the beaded necklace that he gave her, and she kept true to her promise no matter what. She didn't hate him, and she never did. 

"Hey, you thinking about anything? I can see your lips moving" Keefe said. Sophie's cheeks flushed red, and she hoped he couldn't notice. 

"Well, I'm always thinking about things. And I was hoping we could watch the sunrise this morning. It's about to happen" She replied. Keefe got up and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window. Sophie followed him and clapped her hands twice. The curtains opened, and it was still dark out. The sun was about to make it's first appearance. Then it happened. The first color was orange. Then it turned into a pinkish-purple. It was absolutely beautiful. Keefe grabbed her hand, and their fingers entwined. They stood there like that all morning until the sun was fully in the sky. Then they went downstairs for breakfast. They had endless conversations all day until the sun was setting. 

"So, we watched the sun rise, and now we'll see the sun set. It's honestly been the best day ever" Sophie said. They were sitting on the cliff, watching the sun set. Then Keefe stood up. Sophie stood up after him. 

"It really has been. I wish we could have days like this all the time. Which is why I'm doing this" he said. then he knelt down, pulled something out of one of his ankle pockets, and looked up at her. Sophie's jaw dropped and her eyes filled with happy tears as she realized what was happening. 

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster, will you marry me?" he said. Sophie smiled and replied.


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