#46: Brown Eyes

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A/N: Man, I am doing so well at this whole author thing. Two updates in a week. And yes I went MIA for awhile there, but I might have just dug myself out of my writing funk. I'm going to writing camp this summer, so I'm hoping to improve upon my writing skills even more, though I am quite proud of the things I've created. So keep the feedback coming, because I need all the improvement I can get. 


Brown eyes.

Brown eyes are the only thing that have been going through Keefe's mind for two years. Ever since the first time he saw them, it was only ever brown eyes. In his dreams, every time he closes his eyes for the splittest second, or just daydreaming during his boring classes. No matter how many times he's tried (and he has), he just can't get them out of his head. Brown eyes with gold flecks, set into the most beautiful face he's ever had the pleasure of seeing, of meeting, of talking to.

Brown eyes that belong to the best girl in the world. The bravest. If Keefe were to have to do even a fraction of the things she's been forced to do, he'd probably plead for mercy, begging to just never have to do those things ever again. But it seems that no matter what, she can just keep going. And it breaks Keefe's heart, seeing how badly it affects her, and she doesn't even feel like she has a choice. So, he's decided to only be what she needs. To make sure that she never goes too far, to make sure she still has a sense of normalcy in her life. To be support.

But no matter what, he can never get those eyes out of his head. And he doesn't want to, because they're the most amazing eyes in the world. Not like all of the boring blue eyes he sees everyday. No, these brown eyes are warmer, more inviting, like he could stare into them all day and never get bored, because there'd be something new to see every single time. And every single time he did, he just loved the way she'd blush and try to look away, because maybe she didn't know it, but he could always feel the way she'd try to regulate her emotions, just so he wouldn't catch on. And while it was hard to hide emotions from an empath, he had to admit that she was getting better at it.

But maybe it was a good thing that it wasn't the other way around. Otherwise she'd always feel the fondness radiating off of him, or the way his heart would speed up while around her, or the nervousness while he's alone with her, wondering if that's the day she's going to become aware. If that's the day she suddenly stops feeling the same thing he feels for her toward Fitz. Because it's painful, and he can't even turn it off. He just has to stand there and take it, and wait. With the only thing giving him hope being the feelings she's not even aware of. And brown eyes.

Brown eyes that spoke more than words. And currently, he was sitting underneath Calla's panakes tree, pencil in hand, and the perfect girl sitting in front of him, picking at flowers and speaking aimlessly about anything. He couldn't possibly be spending any day better than this.

"How far have you gotten?" she asks with a sweet smile. She turns from the flower petals that were strategically strewn about her feet and legs, and meets his eyes for a split second before looking down, pulling the petals off of another flower that had fallen.

Keefe holds up his sketchbook, showing off the progress he's made, and seeing her smile grow as she takes in the drawing. An unfinished detailed pencil sketch of her sitting in front of him, underneath the panakes tree, with flowers braided into her hair (a small embellishment made by him. Although he doesn't know how to braid hair, if he did, he would definitely do so). In the drawing, she's looking down with a small smile on her face, panakes flowers in her ungloved hands, and the sunrise right behind her, casting light on her face, and shadows behind her. He's tried his hardest to capture the exact moment he's seeing right in front of him, in all its beauty.

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