#35: Human AU

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A/n: okay so this one is gonna be a bit different. It's an AU, which means Alternate Universe, so this isn't the Lost Cities. They are humans in the human world, at human school with human lives.

"Ugh, why won't he text me back?" Biana whined to her friend. They were the most unlikely of friends, and practically opposites. But they just seemed to get each other. That, and Biana's brother was Sophie's boyfriend's best friend.

"I don't know, how many times have you texted him?" Sophie said. You'd expect the pretty blonde girl to be popular, or a cheerleader, but no, Sophie was ordinary, and she liked it. It was her boyfriend, however, that put her at the top, because he was the football quarterback.

"Like ten times. Do you think he's ignoring me? I haven't seen him all day!" Biana cried out. She and her brother never got along, but she did love him, and always got worried when he wasn't around, despite the fact that he's older than her. Overprotective-younger-sibling.

"Probably. Maybe he's just busy" Sophie said. Then she saw her boyfriend, Keefe, walking up to where they were sitting in the outdoor cafeteria. He was wearing his jersey, and he still had reflective paint on his face. He looked so cute in his football gear.

"Hi baby" Keefe said before he gave Sophie a kiss on the cheek and sat down next to her, then stole a few of her fries. He smiled at her with a goofy grin. She pushed his arm playfully.

"Keefe, where is Fitz? Wasn't he at practice with you?" Biana asked.

"Yeah, he's just changing" Keefe said.

"Why are you so eager to find him?" Sophie asked her.

"I need him to ask Dex what he's wearing for homecoming so I can coordinate" Biana said. Sophie looked at her blankly.

"Why can't you just ask Dex yourself?" She asked.

"Well he said he wants it to be a surprise, but I can't just show up with him wearing yellow and me wearing green, that would just look stupid, you know?" Biana said with a fast, urgent voice.

"Oh yeah, speaking of homecoming, what time should I pick you up?" Keefe asked.

"Well getting ready would probably take about three hours for hair and makeup, so probably around 8" Sophie said.

"You girls are so high maintenance. I swear, all the time it's just 'I need to stop at my locker to touch up my eyeliner' and 'I asked for three cubes of ice, not four'" Keefe said with a fake snooty voice. Sophie rolled her eyes.

"That's an exaggeration. I don't wear a lot of makeup all the time, and you know it" Sophie said. Keefe kissed her lips, and when he pulled away he licked his own.

"I taste piña colada" he said.

"Oh come on, it's just gloss" Sophie said, then shoved two fries into her mouth.

"Well whatever, I like you just the way you are" Keefe said, then they had a small, but passionate kiss. From across the table, they heard Biana take a picture.

"Awwwww you guys are so cute" she said. Sophie rolled her eyes, but secretly would ask her to send the picture to her later so she could add it to the book she was making for Keefe's birthday. She'd been working on it for months.

"I don't even care if that picture goes everywhere, I want everyone to know that I love you, Sophie Foster" Keefe said with a sparkle in his ice blue eyes. Sophie couldn't help but smile and say "I love you too, Keefe Sencen"

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