#32: Twenty Øne Piløts

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A/N: Hi everyone! So yes, this chapter will be based in the one and only Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun! I am obsessed with this band right down to their first albums. I feel like Sophie would relate to the lyrics of majority of the songs, and also to Tyler and Josh a lot, so I thought it would be appropriate to write a one shot on it. If you haven't heard of this band or haven't heard a lot of their lesser known stuff, I HIGHLY recommend it.

"Hey Keefe? Do you maybe want to hear some human music I used to listen to?" Sophie asked her boyfriend. She wanted to share her favorite band with Keefe, especially since she thought he'd like the band as well. They had a different sound, different lyrics, different meanings. A lot of their music could be applied to the situations they got into sometimes.

"You mean I finally get to learn about human Foster? Sign me the T-Rex up" Keefe said. Sophie loved when he said that, it was just so cute the way he made up his own dialect.

"Okay, so this band is called-" Sophie started, but she was cut off.

"Band? You mean like something you wear on your wrist?" Keefe asked. Sophie remembered that he had never actually heard of a musical band before.

"No, it's a group of people who make music. This one is made up of two people named Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun. The band is called Twenty Øne Piløts" Sophie explained.

"Twenty Øne Piløts? But there's only two of them" Keefe said. Sophie face-palmed. With the amount of times the boys had gotten that comment, she could build Everglen in the Forbidden Cities.

"No Keefe, that's just the name of the band. They chose the name as a reminder that they should make the right choices with everything" Sophie said. It was obvious at this point that she had watched all of their interviews and knew a lot about the band.

"Okay, so first I'm gonna show you a song called Ride" Sophie said. She pulled out her iPod and scrolled to the song. When she clicked on it, she felt a weight off of her shoulders, as if the song had relieved her of some of her pain. She heard the piano and the drums, being able to distinguish each instrument from the other and hearing all sounds individually, coming together to make music. Keefe seemed to get into it as well. Then Tyler started singing. His voice have her comfort, as if he was really there with her, holding her up. She liked to believe he was.

When the song was over, Keefe's mouth was hanging open. Either he was impressed with the lyrics, or how fast Tyler was rapping, which was slower than normal. Sophie figured she'd show him a faster song.

"So what did you think?" Sophie asked. Keefe closed his mouth and looked at her.

"What I think, is why you didn't show this to me earlier on" Keefe said. Sophie smiled.

"Here, I'll show you another one. This is called Heavydirtysoul" She said. She had learned this one by heart, even though it was amazingly fast. Her photographic memory had helped with that. When she started the song, Keefe immediately started moving his head to the beat. Sophie lip synced, and Keefe just stared at her while she didn't notice. When the song finished, Keefe clapped for her. Her eyes widened, and she bit her lip out of sudden shyness.

"Well, uh, that's Twenty Øne Piløts" Sophie said. "Actually, they're on tour right now. They're probably at a show at this moment. I can show you with my spyball" Sophie said. She dug in her drawer and found the mirror looking ball.

"Show me Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun" she said. The image on the spyball changed, and she saw a dark arena with millions of people. The stage consisted of two people wearing masks. One at the drums and one at a piano. They were performing their song called Tear In My Heart. It seemed appropriate for Sophie and Keefe's relationship.

"This song sounds cool. And their concerts look totally hype. Everyone seems to be having a good time and jumping around" Keefe said.

"Well, this song kinda reminds me of you" Sophie said. Keefe listened to the lyrics more.

"Yeah, it reminds me of you too" he said. He leaned down and kissed Sophie. And for the first time ever, a pair of elves had a special song.

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