#28: Fanboy

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A/N: Hello everyone! As you can see, I'm getting a lot better at updating this story. I've been getting a lot of ideas, and this one was inspired by fireofthestars on tumblr. Enjoy!

"Keefe, come on, we're going to be late!" Sophie yelled up to her boyfriend's bedroom. He probably couldn't hear her because of all of the stairs, but she didn't care. They were about to be late for one of Grady and Edaline's parties -the first one since Jolie died- and she didn't want that. She frantically hoped Keefe was ready as she stepped onto the vortinator. She yelled the number of his bedroom and whirred up to it. Keefe was right, she did get used to it after a few turns. Candleshade had become as much of a home to her as Havenfield.

Sophie's mom had made her wear a dress for the party, one of Jolie's. It was white, with silver jewels at the bottom, and it was flowy. It landed just above her knees. She liked how it looked on her. It flew behind her, along with her hair, which half of was pulled into a small braid, as she rode the vortinator up, and she felt elegant and fancy. She felt like a princess, as she was going up to meet her boyfriend.

Sophie knocked on Keefe's door and walked in, only to see Keefe laying upside-down with his head handing off of his bed... reading a book? Keefe never read books, he thought they took up too much space in his memory, having a photographic one. But here he was, almost done reading the first Harry Potter book. Sophie had given it to him, thinking he'd never read it. He was also wearing glasses, the kind that you'd find on a human item with the word "geek" on it. Keefe wore glasses? And they were geek glasses? He managed to make them look extremely hot. He was even more attractive while wearing them.

"Keefe, are you reading?" Sophie asked.

"Yep" Keefe replied, not looking up from his book.

"Since when did you start reading Harry Potter?" Sophie asked him. This time he looked up from the book. His eyes went crossed, and his face was red from hanging upside down. He swung up and sat upright on his bed, swaying from the blood moving away from his head.

"I started it yesterday morning. I don't know why you never had me read this before, it's awesome! Even if it is magic" Keefe said.

"I did want you to read it before. Remember? I told you to help me pick it out, and I gave you a copy of it?" Sophie said, though she was glad he decided to read it eventually.

"Here watch this, I have a trick" Keefe said. He picked up a pencil, and pointed it at a piece of crumbled paper on his floor. "Wingardium leviosa" he added. Then the paper flew up as he moved his pencil. Obviously using telekinesis, but it was cool.

Sophie laughed, and said, "wow, I don't think I ever would have thought to do that"

"So you're saying that I'm the most clever elf to ever live?" Keefe said as he walked over to Sophie and out his arms around her waist. They kissed.

"Well, I never said that, but I guess it's true" Sophie said when he pulled away. Keefe smirked and then grinned at her. She was the only person who could make him smile like that.

"And come on, you need to get dressed for the party, we're already a few minutes late" Sophie added. She sat on the bed as Keefe ran into his closet to grab clothes. He changed in there, then walked out looking like a prince. They were definitely going to be the best looking couple at the party.

"Hey Keefe" Sophie said. He looked at her, and she pointed to her eyes to signify that he was still wearing his glasses.

"Oh, right. I'll be right back" Keefe said. He ran into his bathroom and came back out with no glasses.

"I didn't know you wore contacts" Sophie said.

"Yeah, I do. But don't worry, they're clear, so they don't do anything to mess with my eye color. My eyes are 100% natural, and attractive" Keefe said. He kissed Sophie again, and she giggled.

"Come on, we really have to go now" Sophie said. But then she looked around at Keefe's walls and saw that he'd been a lot more busy than he let on.

"Keefe, when did you draw all of these pictures?" Sophie said. She walked over to a picture, her white heels clicking on the floor as she walked. The picture was of three people, a black haired boy, a red haired boy, and a brown haired girl. The words "The Golden Trio" were written at the top, and the drawing was extremely detailed.

"Oh, well, uh, I got bored and started drawing the characters" Keefe said. Sophie looked around, amazed at the talent he had. She looked down at her own necklace, the one Keefe had given to her years ago, with flowers drawn on each bead. And the one in the middle made specially for her. She had never taken it off since the day she got it, except for taking showers. She put it back on as soon as she was done. She was left looking at it for a month before Keefe finally came back from the Neverseen. He revealed that he was a double agent, trying to get information about the Neverseen, and it had helped them tremendously when he came back. Sophie remembered the day she saw him for the first time since he left. There had been crying, hugging, admitting, and a kiss. They'd been together since that day.

"Well, the drawings are beautiful" Sophie said. She kissed him, then dragged him out of the room, and down the vortinator. They light leaped to Havenfield, and found a lot more people there than when she had left. There were tents, fairy lights, and jars filled with glowing insects. Grady and Edaline walked over to Sophie and Keefe when they spotted them, and they talked to everyone all night. There was dancing, food, and happy laughs. Sophie couldn't have asked for a better night. Especially because she found out her boyfriend was a huge fanboy.

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