Chapter 5:Loss of Memory

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Walking back into that house after a few days away gave her a headache. She didn't remember anything about the night her younger sister 'disappeared'. Maybe she hired someone to do her dirty work. Or maybe she did it herself. But she doesn't know and it bothers her.

"You feel okay?"ms.Hardwood asked concerned.

"No not really,"Lisa responded, reminding herself that she had to act sad.

"I'm going to go get some food. Do you want to come?"ms.Hardwood suggested.

"No thank you,"Lisa forced a smile."I think I'm just going to take a walk."

And that's exactly what she did. She took a walk, a long walk around her neighborhood. For the first time in a while she felt nervous. She didn't know what people would say about the situation or how they would deal with it.

After several hours Lisa was stopped by one of her friends. It was unexpected but she knew how to handle it.

"Lisa,"Justin approached her."Hey."

"Hey,"Lisa smiled.

"How are you doing?"he asked worried.

"I guess you heard,"she frowned.

He nodded his head feeling terrible. Lisa could see the sorrow in his eyes and so she started to cry. It wasn't because of the way he looked at her. It was because she knew what everybody would want her to react to this.

"I'm so sorry Lisa,"he hugged her.

Lisa looked him in his eyes and couldn't help but admire how attractive he was. Of course she was always attracted to him but she never knew if he was into her.

"I know you're mourning over your sister but I know how to cheer you up,"he smiled.

"Yeah you always do,"Lisa giggled.

As they began walking Lisa thought about Marie. It was kind of boring without having her around. Honestly, Lisa enjoyed arguing with her although she hated Marie with all her heart. Even though she doesn't remember what happened that night at least she knows that she can get away with it...if it was her.

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