*Chapter 1*

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*Kyle's POV*

I'm moving to LA. Finally.

My mom got offered a major promotion, but there's a catch. She has to move all the way to Los Angeles. She almost declined, believing I would want to stay in Ohio with my friends. Little did she know, I had a lot more friends in LA than I did at home. I jumped at the opportunity to move to city of my dreams, and about a week later, we packed all of our furniture and other things into a moving van and made our way to the airport.

As I walked toward the luggage pickup, I looked to my left, thinking I heard my name. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground by a familiar boy with jet black hair. I laughed as he hugged me before we both stood up and got into the cab my mom had called.


After unpacking the kitchen, Johnnie and I took a break to eat some lunch.

"Okay so we have Hot Pockets or... more Hot Pockets," I laughed, "Remind me to tell mom to go grocery shopping tomorrow."

I put two Hot Pockets into the microwave, being really thankful we had already unpacked it and all that, when I heard a thump behind me. I turned to see Johnnie grumbling and wiping at the counter, then his shirt, which are both covered in tea. I started to laugh quietly, and he glared at me before taking his shirt off entirely.

I blushed at the sight of his pale skin. I know most people think being pale is unattractive, but for him it works. Especially when his hair is black like this, I don't know why but I just love the way it looks. And the way his eyes pop when he wear eyeliner is just so... wow.

What am I thinking? I'm straight... I think. No. I know I'm straight. And even if there's the slightest chance I'm not, Johnnie is, so I need to stop thinking like this.

Johnnie clears his throat, and I realize I've been staring at him this whole time.

"Like what you see?" He laughs.

"W-what?" I laugh nervously before coughing, as if to pull myself together. "As if. I just spaced out thinking and you happened to be standing in my line of sight." Wow Kyle, so smooth.

"What about?"

"Oh nothing, just stuff. I'll tell you later if you really want to know."

A/n: And so begins the editing! (finally) I'm not changing the storyline or anything, just making it a bit easier to read seeing as there are so many typos and all that. Edited versions of chapters will probably be posted kind of far apart because I cringe almost every time I read this and I have hella homework lately, but I will still try to get them done as quickly as I can.  Thanks so much for reading I love you guys <3

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