*Chapter 2*

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       "I-erm... I was just thinking about... Ummm...... Well I was-" Kyle stammered for about five minutes.
         I pinched him to get his attention, and the adorable face he made caused me to giggle.

What are you thinking?!

What? I honestly think he's cute.

You can't think like that!

Why not?

You're straight!!

But what if I'm bi? Have you thought of that?

You could be bi...

I thought I probably was but now I know for sure. I'm bi.

But Kyle's straight!

Oh my god. You're right. I need to stop thinking about him this way!

       "Come on, I wanna know!" I said.
       "Well it's kind of embarrassing, and I-"
       "Kyle, you can tell me anything. That what friends are for, right? I promise I won't laugh."
       "Is too hard for me to tell you, so I'll just show you."
       What does he mean he'll show me? What is he going to show me? Why can't he just tell me? I was so focused on these these three questions that I didn't even notice Kyle had leaned in until his breath was on my neck.

You and I are my OTP (Kohnnie) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now