*Chapter 8*

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I don't know how to respond to Kyle's text. Normally, I could say like "sweet" or something. But with him it's different. Still not knowing what to say, I type what I wish I could say.

Cool ill c u there 😘
       I look at it. This is what I should be saying. But I can't. He hates me.
       The next thing I know, I hear the whoosh of a message sending. What the fuck did I just do?! I quickly send:
Crap i ment 👌
       I'm so stupid.


       I get ready around ten. I still have two hours until I have to meet Kyle. I sit at my laptop and watch all of the videos we've made together. I rewatch the one from last night. Then I watch it again. And again.
Before I know it, it's 11:55. Crap! I have to meet Kyle in five minutes! Let's just hope he's running late too.

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