*Chapter 4*

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I laid down in bed. So many thoughts are racing through my mind as I pull the covers over myself. What was he thinking about? Why was he so close to me? Was he going to kiss me? All these thoughts ran through my mind all that night, especially the last one.

Don't be stupid Johnnie. Kyle's straight.

Well I thought I was too, but I'm bi. He might not be straight.

He's definitely straight. Doesn't he like Alex?

You're right. He's totally straight. I'm probably straight too.

Oh really? And what makes you think that?

Well... maybe it was just the wrong time and the wrong place.


"Johnnie! Wake up! Kyle's gonna be here in an hour and you're still asleep!" Bryan said from the other side of my door.
At the mention of Kyle's name, I jolted awake. I don't remember falling asleep, but I don't care. I just need to get ready for the video with Kyle.


"Get guys it's Johnnie!"
"And Kyle!!!!!"
"Today we're playing truth or dare. I asked you guys to comment some truths or dares for us to do on Twitter, and Kyle is just gonna pick some random ones and read them to me."
"Are you gay?"
"Surprisingly I get asked this a lot, and the answer is no. I'm not gay. But, I do think I'm bi."
"I can't believe I just told the whole world that when I just found out yesterday!"
"It's cool, man. If it helps, I am too."
"oh-um thanks."
"Okay so... Bryan says to kiss Kyle. FUCK YOU BRYAN!" he yells as I laugh.
"It's alright man, I get to pass on one dare."
"Not this one..."
"Why not?"
"Because I dared you to do whatever Bryan said...."
"Dammit Kyle!" I say laughing.

You and I are my OTP (Kohnnie) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now