*Chapter 22*

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       I woke up the next morning to see Jordan and Bryan cuddling in the bed across from mine. After they kissed last night, they both ran outside. When they came back in, they were holding hands, and I pretty sure they're together now. I don't want to bug them about it, though. I know how it felt to be asked about a relationship that you aren't ready to tell the world about.
       I went to go wake Johnnie up so that we wouldn't be late, but all I saw was a bunch of stuff and a note. There were roses, chocolates, a huge box full of new band shirts, confetti, and balloons. The note said:

Dear Kyle,
       I love you so much. I've never felt like this with anyone before. You are the love of my life and I hope you know that, because I wouldn't be able to live without you. Happy birthday.

       I teared up as I read it. Tears of joy. This has never happened before. I can't wait until the concert today so I can tell him I love him.
The concert! I have to get ready! I run to the bathroom and find that Johnnie has set out so outfit for me already. Another note said:

Dear Kyle,
       Knowing you, you slept in and you're in a rush to get ready. I don't want there to be any stress for you today.<3
                                              I love you,

       I got ready and started walking to the concert. Matthew, Bradlee, and I decided yesterday that they would bring him to the concert while I got ready and went backstage.
       When I got there, I started getting ready to make my speech. The announcers introduce me and I hear a lot of confused mumbles.
       I walk out and sit on a stool in the middle of the stage.
       "I'd like to say something to me lovely boyfriend, Johnnie Guilbert." I said into the microphone.
       Johnnie had told me last night that he was ready to tell the world about us. He thought we were going to make a video, and we were, but I wanted to do this first.
       I am going to confess my love to him.
       The whole crowd moved away from Johnnie so that only him and Bradlee were standing in an open space. When Bradlee realized what was happening, he scrambled to stand with Matthew.
       "Johnnie Guilbert..."

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