*Chapter 15*

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       The Ferris Wheel was about to start and Kyle was in the bathroom.
       Since single riders aren't allowed, I ended up sitting with Johnnie. We talked for a while about random crap. When the ride was ending and we were stuck at the top, I couldn't take it any longer. He was so cute and so sweet and so perfect. I liked him so much.
       I leaned in and kissed him.
       He immediately pulled away, a surprised look on his face.
       "Oh don't look so surprised. I've liked you for a while now. Wasn't it obvious?" I said and giggled.
       He slowly shook his head, too shocked to speak. His look of shock slowly turned to one of dread as we got off.
       As he ran over to Kyle to hug him, I realized how wrong not was for me to kiss him. He's with Kyle! And I didn't even feel a spark or anything! I put my hair in my hands, shaking my head.
       Johnnie was sobbing now, about to tell Kyle what happened.
       I ran over to him.
"I was on the Ferris wheel..." Johnnie sobbed.
"And I kissed him. I don't know what came over me. I guess it was the time and place and I really shouldn't have done it," I said, looking at him. "I'm sorry Johnnie. I just realized how stupid I was to do that."
I turned to Kyle. "I'm really sorry for kissing your boyfriend. It will never happen again."
Kyle accepted my apology and ask to talk to Johnnie alone.

You and I are my OTP (Kohnnie) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now