*Chapter 30*

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       The thought of never being with Bryan again crosses my mind, and since I don't want everyone to see me cry, I leave the room.
       When I open the curtain to my bed, Matthew is sitting there, resting his head on interlocked fingers. I open my mouth to ask what the hell he's doing there, he tells me.
       "You and Bryan need to get back together. Like, now."
       "But he cheated on me!" I whisper yell, tearing up.
       "Hon, we can all tell you still love  him. And don't bother denying it, because we see how you look at him. It's the same way that I look at Bradlee, the same way Kyle looks at Johnnie."
       "Okay, I do love him. I think I might be in love with him, but he doesn't love me anymore. He loves Andy. I mean, why wouldn't he? Andy is famous, he's tall, dark, and handsome. I'm not any of those."
       "Well Bryan sure seems to think you are. Well, not dark or tall, but he looks at you like you're the most beautiful person in the world."
       "H-he does?" I ask sniffling.
       "Yes! All the time! Haven't you noticed?" he says, getting excited.
       "No. When we were dating, I looked at him like that to much to see how he was looking at me. And I can't even look at him without crying since the breakup."
       "Can I tell you something?"
       "I talked to Bryan earlier."
       I groan and let out a quiet sob. "He hates me, doesn't he? All I did was love him, and he'd rather make out with some singer."
       "That's the thing, though."
       "What? I'm confused."
       "Andy kissed him. He never kissed back. He pushed him away as soon as it started, and when he turned the camera off, he yelled at him for it. He still feels really bad. Haven't you heard him at night lately?"
       Since we broke up, Bryan has been sleeping on the couch in the front room. (The one that Jeydon isn't sleeping on)
       "Why? Is he telling you guys how amazing it was to kiss the one and only Andy Beirsack?" I spat.
       "What? No way! He cries himself to sleep every night! He whispers your name and sobs as quietly as he can until he falls asleep, and then he says your name in his sleep, too."
       "I sleep with headphones in." I say shrugging. I can't believe what he's saying. I won't believe what he's saying. There's no way I was that mean to him for something he didn't do! I refuse to believe it! But I want to so, so bad. So I say, "Prove it to me."
       Matthew shrugs and says, "Okay. Don't put your headphones in tonight. I'm going to get Damon to let Bryan use his bed tonight. He'll just have to sleep with Jeydon tonight. But anyways, if you hear him, you know you can believe what I said, and you can decide what to do from there. But please, make things better between you two. Not just for you, but for Bryan."
       I nod.
       Matthew smiles and leaves. I hear him talking to Damon right by the door, and Damon refuses to let Bryan sleep in his bed. But when he finds out why we want him to, he agrees faster than you could say Kohnnie.


       When I went to bed that night, I heard Bryan. A lot. He cried and whispered my name until I started crying too, so I put my headphones back in and wiped my tears away, thinking of Bryan and what to say to him tomorrow.

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