*Chapter 37* {Final}

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       "I object!" a woman screamed in the distance. Kyle's face fell. That voice sounded familiar...

       "Mom!?" I yelled to the figure.

       She finally got close enough so that I could see her, and it was, in fact, my mother. Kyle shot me a questioning look, to which I responded, "She has always liked dramatic entrances."

       "Johnnie, sweetheart!"

       "Come on, mom! Did you really have to do that?" I groaned.

       "Well, I heard from your wonderful friend over here," she patted Bryan's head, "that you were getting married today. So I flew out as fast as I could. You see, you can't marry a boy I haven't met yet." Oh yeah. Silly me. I forgot Kyle had never met my mom.

       "But, mom! I love him!"

       "I know, sweetie, and I'm not here to stop you, but one, I want to at least introduce myself to this boy. And two, you can't get married without giving your mother a hug!"

       I gave her a tight hug, and then I stepped away from Kyle.

       "Kyle, this is my mom. Mom, this is my boy- hus- fiance? Kyle."

       My mom gave Kyle a tight squeeze and whispered, "Now, you take good care of my little boy. I can tell he loves you very much, and I've only known you for five minutes, so please love him back with all of your heart."

       "I already do, Mrs. Guilbert." Kyle answered sheepishly, making me blush.

       "Oh, just call me mom. It's almost official anyways." She grinned and made her way to an empty seat, shouting, "Carry on!"

       "Finally!" Kyle and I said at the same time, making Kellin laugh.

       "Let's get these two lovebirds married already!" he yelled. Everyone cheered in response .

       "There better not be any more objections, but just in case there are, I'll ask. Anyone?"

       Damon stood on his chair, causing everyone to groan.

       "Don't worry, don't worry. It's not an objection. I just have something that I want to tell everyone." he said. "So, recently I fell in love with this guy. He's got this great smile, and his eyes are just so amazing. His looks are perfect, to say the least, but that's not all that I like about him. He's sweet, he's caring, he's funny, and he's just overall amazing. And I just wanted everyone to know that no matter what, even if he never loves me back, I am totally and unconditionally in love with-" A gust of wind knocked him over, and Jeydon caught him. "You." he finished. "I love you, Jeydon." he whispered, tearing up.

       "I can't believe I'm admitting this in front of everyone, but I love you too, Damon." More cheering. They kissed, and they started to get really into it until Kellin yelled, "Hey! Today is for Kyle and Johnnie, so stop sucking face so these two can make it official!" Cheers again.

       "Okay, so do you guys have your vows?" he asked.

       "Um... not really." Kyle said.

       "Who gets married without saying their vows?" Kellin laughed.

       "Hey, in my defense, I didn't even know I was getting married today." I said.

       "Well... Then I guess we'll just get right to it." he said. "Kyle David Hall, do you take Johnnie Alan Guilbert to be your husband?"

       "Hell yeah I do!" Kyle yelled eagerly, making me giggle.

       "Geez, you guys are gayer than me and V- shit! I mean...Johnnie Alan Guilbert, do you take Kyle David Hall to be your husband?"

       "Hm.... Let me think..." I said and Kyle pouted. "Sure I do." I grinned.

       "You may now kiss the groom." Kellin smiled and Kyle pulled me in for a kiss.

       "I'll never get sick of that." I sighed as I pulled away.

       After that, we all cheered, and everyone made sure to congratulate us, and Kyle's family even showed up. The whole night went by so fast that I can barely even remember any of it.

       I can remember, however, Kellin and Vic admitted they were together, we partied all night, Bryan proposed to Jordan(before they were drunk), Alex and Shannon came out as a couple, Jeydon and Damon made out all night, and Kyle and I were as in love as ever.

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