*Chapter 20*

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       We didn't realize until we got on the bus, but there are only four beds. 

I offered to share with Kyle, and everyone was fine with it. Since Jyran is that second biggest ship in our group other than Kohnnie, we all agreed to make Jordan and Bryan share. Of course, they refused, but we finally convinced them to just deal with it. Bradlee and Matthew also shared, and Jeydon let Shannon have the last bed, so he is sleeping on the couch.
       When they all went to the meet up, I stayed behind since the doctors told me to. We have this rule where if somebody gets sick, they lay on a random bed, and whoever's bed it is has to stay behind with them to take care of them. I wanted to lay on my bed so that Kyle could stay behind with me, but we were on one of the top bunks. I laid on the bottom right bunk, which was Jordan's and Bryan's. They did rock paper scissors and Jordan ended up staying with me.
       I wasn't technically sick, so we just watched movies and talked and stuff.
       "Hey Johnnie?" he said.
       "You can keep a secret right?"
       "Yeah, man. Anytime. Why?"
       "I- uh... I really like Bryan..."
"Really?! You should tell him!" I yelled.
I lowered my voice. "Of course! He totally likes you! He doesn't know, but he talks in his sleep..."
"Oh... Wow. I can't believe he really likes me. I'm going to tell him how I feel as soon as he gets back." Jordan said, sounding excited.
"Speak of the devil" I said as the door opened and everyone walked in.
"Hey, babe! Did you have fun?" I said and kissed Kyle on the cheek.
"Totally! It was awesome! I ju-"
"Wow, wow, wow! Did you just kiss him on the cheek?!" Jordan screamed.
"Hahaha, yeah. We were meaning to tell you," Kyle said.
"Kohnnie is real!" I finished.
Damon eyed us suspiciously. "Prove it." he said.
"Uh, Damon? I don't think that's a very good idea. Once they start-"
"It's fine Bryan!" Kyle said laughing.
I smirked and said, "Well Bryan, if he wants us to prove we're together we might as well, right?"
I started kissing Kyle, not a peck on the lips, but not a full on kiss, either. It wasn't a short kiss, but it wasn't a long kiss. It wasn't full of lust or playfulness, it was a wonderful kiss full of love and passion.
When we pulled away, Damon was squealing and jumping up and down while Jordan just stood there, shocked. A wide grin spread over his face, and I could tell by the look in his eyes he was about to say something I probably wouldn't like. He opened his mouth to talk, so I said the first thing that popped into my head.
"Hey Bryan! Jordan has something he wants to talk you you about. Isn't that right, Jordan?"
"I-I-uhhhh...... Yeah, I guess." Jordan said looking nervous and shy.
"What's up man?" Bryan asked cautiously, seeing the look on his face.
"C-Can I tell you o-outside?"
"Yeah, no problem."

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