*Chapter 7*

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       Just got ur msg meet me @ starbies @ noon

I clicked send. There's no turning back now. It's about nine, so I have a while until we meet up.
I've been thinking nonstop about yesterday ever since I woke up. Johnnie probably hates me now. When I meet up with him, I'm just gonna tell him that I'm sorry and that I didn't mean it or something like that. He's probably so mad at me.
I'm interrupted from my thoughts by a text.
Cool ill c u there 😘
Oh my god. Is that a kissy face?! I'm blushing so hard right now. Until...
Crap i ment 👌
I guess he does hate me. He obviously sent the kiss on purpose to make fun of me.
I go downstairs eat a poptart, and listen to music. At about 10:30, I decide to get in the shower. I pull on some black skinny jeans, a PTV shirt, and a black beanie.
In the cab on the way to Starbuck's, I try to figure out what to say. My mind goes completely blank, so I decide to let him talk first. He was the one who wanted to talk anyways, right?

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