*ɕհαԹϯεɾ 25*

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Shannon called me last night and said that she got a really bad case of pneumonia and her doctor said she couldn't finish warped. She was still happy she got to be there the first week, though.
Johnnie and Kyle had gotten engaged, and it was all over the internet. They made a coming out video right after, and asked their fans for theme ideas.
I suggested they just get married at warped, and I'm really hoping they will because that way I'll definitely be able to be there.
That's right! I'm going on warped tour! Since Shannon couldn't stay, she asked everyone but the other youtubers if it was okay, and I was on my way to surprise them.
I was actually really happy, because Jeydon is pretty cute. Nobody knows I'm gay, but I'm planning on coming out this summer. Jeydon is bi, though. Normally I could take that as a go ahead to ask him out, but he likes Shannon. He's told me before. And since I wasn't him to be happy, I even tried getting them together(not very hard, but I tried).


You know how I said I liked Shannon? I was so wrong. I really only knew her from her videos, but after spending a week on the same bus as her, I realized she's kind of a bitch. Not to be rude, but she is. I'm happy she's leaving, because she made it very obvious when I asked her out that she would only use me for her own desires.
       When Damon walked through the door of the bus, about a million emotions washed over me. Happiness, because he is one of my best friends. Surprise, because he was apparently surprising us by taking Shannon's place on the bus. A little bit of sadness, because he would never like me. Realization that I like him. Bashfulness because I am still in my pajamas. I walked over and gave him a hug. He hugged back then went to congratulate the happy couple before coming back over to me. We talked for a while until I was sure my face was as red as a tomato and I went to bed. He was in the bed across from me, so I closed the curtain. I think he might like me. But I know he likes Shannon, so I should probably just leave him alone before he figures out I like him.

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