*Chapter 28*

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*Andy Biersack*

       Bryan is on his way here to interview me. He interviewed the entire band last week, but this time it'll just be me.
       Nobody really knows, but I'm gay. I broke up with my girlfriend about two weeks ago, but my fans don't know yet. If they ask why, I'm just going to tell them that I have feelings for someone else.
       I mean, that is true. I do have feelings for someone else. I'm just not going to mmention the fact that that someone else is a guy.
       He's actually on his way here right now. I've known Bryan for about five years now, and everything he does is super fucking cute. He is so perfect that I can't even stand it.
When he knocks on the door, I scramble over to get it for him. I am literally the most nervous I have ever been in my life.
We sit on the most comfortable part of the couch, which just so happens to be kind of a tight squeeze.
"Sorry about the tight squeeze. I have no idea we would be this close together." I lied.
"It's fine, man! As long as I still get to ask you some stupid-ass questions!" he joked.
"Oh, what would I do with my life without Bryan Stars interviews?" I said sarcastically as he turned on the camera. Since Johnnie has a date with Kyle, he's just using a tripod this time.
       I wasn't going to wait until he asked about it, but I couldn't.
       "Hey Bryan?"
       "Yeah Andy?"
       "Me and Juliet broke up..."
        "Man, that sucks. What happened?"
       "I have feelings for someone else."
       "Really!? Who? I HAVE to know."
       "Maybe this will tell you."
        I lean in and kiss him, hard. He starts to kiss back but then tries to pull away. I put my hand on the back of his neck to hold him in place and he struggles room get away. Finally he gives up and just waits for me to finish.
       When I pull away for air, he smacks me, hard.
       "WHAT THE FUCK!" he yells.
       "I love you, Bryan. I have for a while now." He stormed to the camera and turned it off.
       "I'm sorry... I had no idea... I just- I just really like you." I said, looking down at my hands. I felt tears start to run down my face and quickly wipe them away. No one has ever seen me cry except my parents.
       He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "It's fine, Andy. Just- don't tell anyone this happened, okay?"
       "Yeah, no problem. I'll see you around."


       I went on Twitter later that day to tell my fans that the interview with Andy got canceled.
       After that, I checked to see if there were any parts in the video that I could save, but there weren't.
       I closed the tab and put my laptop away. 
       I'm going to tell Jordan what happened tomorrow. But for now, I'm going to sleep.

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