*Chapter 33*

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       I promised myself I wouldn't cry.
       But I can't help it.
       I engulfed him in a hug as I sobbed into his shoulder. When I pulled back, he was crying, too.
"I-I had no idea you felt that way."
"I always have, and no matter what, I always will." he said, gripping my hand.
My smile dropped "But, if you really love me, why did you kiss Andy?"
"You saw the video, right?"
"He kissed me. It was his way of telling me he liked me. When I turned the camera off, I yelled at him and told him that I l-l- uh...... like you, and then I left."
       "Then why did you post the video?" I asked. I was more confused then anything now. Of there were no actual questions, why would he post it?
       "I didn't mean to. I was trying to see if there was any footage I could save, and when I went to sleep I accidentally posted it."
       "Oh so you weren't gonna tell me!?"
I yelled.
        "I-uh... Yeah, I wanted to tell you something else, too, but then you... y'know.... and I couldn't tell you then, could I?"
       "What were you going to tell me?"
       "Nothing. It doesn't matter." he said quickly.
       "Please, I want to know. You at least owe it to me since you didn't tell me about Andy."


       Well, here goes nothing.
       I might as well just say it all at once so I don't have to suffer through it.        "I'minlovewithyouandihavebeenforawhileandI'msorryaboutkissingAndyitdidn'tmeananythingbecauseyou'retheonlypersonIcoyldeverlove."
       "Wait, hold on a second. Just slow down. Take a deep breath. Plus, it can't be that bad. I won't get mad, I promise."
       "I'm in love with you, and I have been for a while now. I'm sorry about kissing Andy. It didn't mean anything because you're the only person I could ever love."
       As soon as I closed my mouth, I found it being opened slightly by Jordan putting his lips on mine.
I let out a small sigh. It had been far too long since I've felt like this. I had butterflies in my stomach, and a tingling sensation on my lips. I kissed him back happily, of course.
Soon enough, we heard cheers. We pulled away, gasping for air as we saw the source of the noise.
       The guys were all crowded around the windows, watching us.
       "What the fuck?" I questioned. Jeydon opened the door and they all came running out of the bus.
       "Sorry," Damon said grinning. "We were kinda listening to you guys, and when you went quiet, we wanted to check and make sure you weren't like hurting each other."
       "I guess you were, though." Kyle added smirking.
       "What do you mean?" I ask, now holding Jordan's hand.
       "You were eating each other's faces!" Johnnie said. Everyone chuckled at that except for Jordan. Jordan actually giggled, yes giggled, and it was the absolute most fucking adorable thing I have ever heard.
       As the other guys kept talking about random crap, I was pulled onto the bus by the love of my life.


       "I love you too, Bryan. More than you could ever understand." I said and opened the sunroof that was in the living room of the bus.
       I stuck my head out of it and screamed, "I AM ABSOLUTELY, 100% IN LOVE WITH BRYAN STARS!"
       I heard cheers from all around. Before I knew it, I was being pulled onto the roof by Bryan.
       "Uh... Bryan, I'm kind of afraid of heights!" I squealed and clung to him.
       "It's okay, we'll get down in just a minute." he looked into my eyes lovingly. "Jordan Sweeto, will you be my boyfriend for now and forever?"
       "Of fucking course!" I yelled. I had never cussed like that in my life, but I was just so excited that I couldn't hold it in.

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