*Chapter 26*

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When Damon got here yesterday, he said hi to Jeydon and congratulated us on our engagement. Bryan and Jordan were "at chipotle," but if you ask me they were most likely on a secret date.
It is pretty obvious that they're dating, but I can tell that they're just the same way Johnnie and I were when we first started dating. I'm pretty sure they're going to come out to us soon, though, so I'm not going to push it.
Ever since Damon got here, Jeydon has been kind of shy. I think he might like Damon, I mean, he is bi. But, if he isn't ready to confess yet, I'm fine with that. But that doesn't mean I won't try and do some matchmaking.


It's pretty obvious that everyone is on to us. I feel really bad not telling them, though. As I think, Jordan taps me on the shoulder.
"What's wrong?" he asked, looking genuinely concerned.
"Wha-what? Oh, uh- its nothing."
"Bryan, I know that face, you're sad about something." Damn. Why does he have to know me so well?
"Well... It's just that I feel really bad about keeping our relationship a secret, but I know you're not ready tell everyone so I'll just shut up please forget I said anything." I said, so fast that it took him a minute room process what I said. When he was done, he frowned and pulled me onto the bus.
Everyone was sitting in the living room and their eyes all went to our linked hands. I tried to pull my hand away so I wouldn't blow our cover, but he tightened his grasp.
"Guys, I'm gonna do this and you aren't going to freak out because you all saw this coming." he said. Everyone had a confused look on their faces, until realization struck. Everyone but Damon, of course. He was still confused as to what the hell he was about to do.
He leaned in and kissed me. It only lasted a few seconds, though, for two reasons. One, we didn't want to make it awkward for everyone else. And two, my phone went off, reminding me that I needed to get ready to interview Andy Beirsack.


When Bryan and Jordan kissed, I really wanted that to be Damon and I. When I glanced over at him, he was still shocked about what had happened. I laughed and said, "Are you seriously that surprised? It was pretty obvious they liked each other."
He looked at me, looking a little more calm by now, and thought for a second.
"Actually, I'm surprised because of that, but not that surprised. I'm just surprised because when I saw them kiss, I imagined it being me up there." he said.
I looked at him funny until he realized what he had just said. He looked pretty flustered. It was kinda cute.
"I-I mean- not with one of them! With... Someone... Uh- else?" he said nervously, stumbling over his words.
I smiled widely. "So you do like someone! I fucking knew it! I need details, like now. Who is it, what do the look like, do they worship Satan, you know, the basics." I said counting on my fingers how many questions I asked.
"I don't - wait! Did you just say Satan?!"
"Well, if someone is going to date my man, I want to knowp
if they're worthy or not!" I said laughing.
"Your man?" he winked. Butterflies filled my stomach, but I made sure to hide it.
"Yeah, haha. I - uh... I was just joking around." His face fell. I wonder why?
"Oh, okay..." he said. "I actually have to go. I - uh, have someone to meet up with?" he said, as more of a question than a statement.
"I'll see you when you get back." I said and awkwardly waved.


I need to help these boys out. I won't like, force them to date it anything. But... I may give them a little push. You know, to get them going in the right direction.

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