*Chapter 21*

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We walk outside and find a place where no one can overhear us.
"Jordan, what did you need to talk to me about?" he said, getting impatient.
"Johnnie told me you talk in your sleep."
"Okay. What does that have to do with anything? You obviously want to talk about something important so just spit it out."
"Dammit, Bryan! How oblivious can you be?"
"What do you mean?"
"What do you dream about the most? What would you be talking about in your sleep that I could want to talk to you about?" I said getting frustrated.


Well... I dream about Jordan every night...
NO! I can't admit that! He's straight! He doesn't like me, and if I tell him, he'll hate me. It wuold ruin our friendship, and I don't know how I could live without him.
"I don't know, man. I can never remember my dreams." I lie, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. "It's kind of a pain in the ass sometimes..." I attempted a casual laugh but it came out really forced.
"O-oh..." he mumbled. "You know what? Whatever!" he said, suddenly flustered.


Later that night, we all went live on younow. Shannon was in the other side of the bus with Kyle and Jeydon, also on younow. Matt and Bradlee were cuddling in bed. We really wanted more viewers, because why the hell not?
Then I got an idea.
"If we get 20,000 likes, I'll kiss someone." I said.
"Yeah, if this broadcast gets to 20,000 likes me and Jordan will kiss." Johnnie said.
"Oh yeah... If we get up to 20,000 likes, Bryan and Jordan have to kiss each other. On the lips."


I had been here the whole time, but I hadn't really talked because I kind of felt awkward about earlier. Does he know how I feel about him? I was interrupted from my thoughts when Jordan yelled, "What!? I didn't agree to this!"
I'd had one beer, and everyone had seen me drink it, so I just pretended to be drunk.
"Yeah!" I yelled. "If we get more views than Damon, we'll kiss." I just really wanted the chance to kiss Jordan.
The views skyrocketed, and soon I was leaning in to kiss him. It was just going to be a quick peck, and he wasn't going to pucker. Neither did I, because I didn't want it to be obvious I wanted to kiss him.
Our mouths only touched for less than a second, but it was enough to send electricity through my entire body. I went outside to cool down because I was blushing a lot.
Apparently Jordan wanted to come outside for some reason, too. He stepped out and seemed surprised to see me.
"W-what are you doing out here?" he asked.
"I could ask you the same thing." I said, dropping the drunk act.
He didn't actually realize I wasn't drunk, though.
"Well, since you're drunk, I might as well tell you. You won't remember in the morning anyways. I really like you, Bryan. I have for a really long time. When I was talking to you earlier about you talking in your sleep, I wanted to tell you that I liked you, too. But I guess you don't even remember dreaming about me." he said. Before I could say anything, he pulled need toward him and kissed me.
       With this kiss, he actually puckered. It wasn't a quick peck. It was a long, passionate kiss. I pulled away and said, "I like you too, Jordan."
       He just laughed and said, "No you don't. You're just drunk." while he held me close to him.
       I put my shoulders on his hands and held him at arm's length. I looked him straight in the eyes and said, "I'm not drunk, Jordan. I only had one beer. I pretended to be drunk during the broadcast because I didn't want anyone to know I actually like you. I just really wanted to kiss you because I thought it'd be my only chance."
       I kissed him slowly. "Bryan" he mumbled against my lips.
       "Yeah?" I said as I pulled away.
       He hugged me around my middle, looked up at me, and said, "Can we make Jyran real?"

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