*Chapter 18*

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Bryan just picked Jeydon and I up from the airport. Our flights landed at about the same time, so I didn't have to wait very long. Even with that short period of time, I took the chance to think over my plan.
I am going to tell Bryan how I feel about him. I don't care that he doesn't like me back. I know hes straight. I just can't keep it a secret any longer. And I he hates me after I tell him, then I won't have to worry about avoiding him because I'm going back to Australia after warped.
Even if he doesn't like me back, I know he won't completely hate me. Two of his best friends, Bradlee and Matt, are dating so he'll be fine with me being gay.


Warped is going to be so fun this year! I've been to warped before, but never as a youtuber.
The only thing that I'm nervous about on sharing a bus with Shannon.
I've had a really big crush on her for a while, but I'm pretty sure she likes that guy she met at the carnival the other day. If she doesn't actually like him, I'm going to tell her how I feel.


Before the bus gets us in the morning, I have to wrap Kyle's birthday present and pick him up from his house. First, I have e to run to the store to get more wrapping paper. I thought I have enough at home, but the box is too big.
When I got to the store, it was completely empty.
"Hello? Is anyone here? I need to get some wrapping paper," I said. "The signs say that you're open until nine and the door was unlocked so I figured you guys were open."
I heard some mumbling in the corner, and then a scrawny boy who was probably about sixteen popped up from behind the register.
"How can I help you?" he asked. He sounded really nervous and he was shaking.
"Yeah, I just came to get some wrapping paper."
He handed me the last Roll they had from the back.
"That'll be $4.99."
I handed him the money and he put my things into a bag.
"Were you talking to someone? I heard some mumbling coming from over here and it sounded like more than one person." I said as I took my bag.
"Um- I..." he winced, as if in pain. "No. It's just me here."
I could tell he was definitely lying. I slowly peered over the edge of the counter and saw a familiar face. I barely had enough time to process who it was before I was yanked over the counter by my arm.
I heard a loud snap, and then my arm began hurting more than any part of me has ever hurt before. I screamed out in pain before everything went black.


"Come on, Johnnie! I just fell asleep! Why are you calling me?" I said to myself while trying to find my phone.
"Dude. I was asleep. What do you want?" I said once I found it.
"Is this Bryan Odell?" an official sounding voice said.
"Um, yeah. Bryan Stars is fine. Who's this?"
"This is the hospital. We are calling to tell you about Johnnie Guilbert."
"Oh god! What happened?!" I said, already getting dressed to leave.
"No need to worry, sir. He only broke his arm and got a slight concussion. We believe he walked in on a robbery and was injured by the robber before he fled the scene."
"Do I need to come pick him up? You know what, I'm coming anyways."
I hung up the phone and went to get Kyle. I have picked him up after Johnnie left to surprise him.
Thankfully, he was still awake and in his normal clothes joking around with Shannon.
"Kyle, get in the car."
"Why?" Kyle asked, his smile fading.
"Johnnie is in the hospital."
"What? What happened?!" He said, sounding just as worried as I am, if not more.
"I'll explain on the way, just come on." I said as I walked out the door.


Bryan told me that Johnnie walked in on a robbery and got hurt. His arm is broken, but this head got hurt too. I'm just really worried. I want him to be okay. I need him to be okay.
I know he'll probably be fine, but a lot of things can happen to people who get their heads hurt.
As we pull into the parking lot, I realize I'm tearing up. I blink back my tears as we walk into the Hospital.
"We're here to see Johnnie Guilbert." Bryan says to the lady at the front desk.
She types his name into her computer before saying, "Room 27."
I ran to his room, and as I walked in the door I saw he was asleep.
Bryan have him a gentle hug, being careful not to wake him. I did the same, also giving him a kiss on the cheek.
As soon as my lips made contact with his skin, he started to wake up.
"It's okay, Johnnie. It's just me and Kyle." Bryan said.
"K-Kyle....." He mumbled.
I grabbed his hand. "I'm right here Johnnie."
He opened his eyes and pulled Bryan and I into a hug.
"Do you remember what happened at the store?" Bryan asked.
"Yeah. I walked in to buy some... well... some wrapping paper for Kyle's birthday present, and the store was like empty. Then out of nowhere this guy popped up behind the register and was acting really weird, so I looked over the counter. Next thing I know, I'm getting pulled over the counter by someone and my arm breaks. I tried to do something, but he hit me on the head with something."
"Was be wearing a mask?" I asked
"Could you tell who it was?" Bryan said.
"Yeah. It was..."


Bryan told us all what happened to Johnnie. I can't believe he would do this! I thought he was my friend! He was really cool... I guess he was just too good to be true.


I feel really bad about what happened to Johnnie, but it's really hard to be sad when Bradlee is cuddling up to me and kissing my neck.
The doctors said that Johnnie couldn't go to any of the meetups tomorrow, but after that he should be fine.
I was really happy when I could that out, because Kyle told Bradlee and I about his plan.
I gave him a few tips, and I read over his speech. Everything is going to be perfect.

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